!!Martin Bridson - Curriculum Vitae

*President of the Clay Mathematics Institute, since October 2018\\
*Whitehead Professor of Pure Mathematics, University of Oxford, since 2007 \\
*Fellow of Magdalen College Oxford, since 2007
__Awards and Distinctions (selected)__
*Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (with Andre Haefliger) 2020\\
*Fellow of the Royal Society, 2016\\
*Honorary Fellow, Hertford College Oxford, 2018\\
*Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, 2015\\
*Clay Senior Scholar in Residence, PCMI 2012\\
*Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, 2012\\
*Invited Speaker, International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid 2006 • Abel Prize Lecturer, 2009\\
*EPSRC Senior Fellowship, 2007–12\\
*London Mathematical Society Whitehead Prize, 1999\\
*EPSRC Advanced Fellowship, 1997–2002
*Douglas High School, Isle of Man, 1979-83\\
*Hertford College, Oxford, 1983-86, BA (1st class), MA\\
*Cornell University, New York, 1986-1991 (MS 1988; PhD 1991)
__Previous Appointments__
*Head of the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 2015-’18 • 2002-’07 Imperial College London. Professor of Pure Mathematics\\
*1994-’01 University of Oxford. Tutorial Fellow, Pembroke College;\\
*EPSRC Advanced Fellow (’97-’02); Professor of Topology (’99-’01)\\
*1992-’97 Princeton University. Assistant Professor (on leave ’92-’93, ’94-’96). • 1992-’93 Universite ́ de Gene`ve. Visiting Professor.\\
*1991-’92 Princeton University. Instructor
__Sabbatical Position__
*2006-’07, Universite ́ de Gene`ve/EPFL (Lausanne). Research Interests: Geometric group theory, topology, spaces of non-positive curvature
__Major Grants__
*EPSRC Senior Fellowship, 2007-12; Advanced Fellowship, 1997-2002\\
*EPSRC Platform Grant, 2010-15\\
*EPSRC grant Geometry and Analysis in Group Theory (with C. Drutu), 2010–2014\\
*EPSRC grant Geometric Group Theory, 1998–2001\\
*Principal Investigator, NSF grant Geometric Group Theory, 1994–97\\
*NSF grant Topology of Manifolds (with Bill Browder), 1992–94\\
*FNRS (Swiss) Fellowships, 1992-93 (with A. Haefliger) and 2006-07 (with P. de la Harpe)
*Alfred P. Sloane Dissertation Fellowship, 1990-91\\