!!Boris Brkljačić - Curriculum Vitae
__Graduated:__ 1988, University of Zagreb School of Medicine (UZSM)\\
__Board Exam in Radiology:__ 1994; Ph.D. thesis 1994, UZSM\\
__Education abroad:__ Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York\\
__Academic Profile:__ [https://google scholar citations / boris brkljacic]\\
__H-index:__ 34; i10 index: 80; Citations: 4.606\\
__Major appointments and academic career:__
*Vice-rector, University of Zagreb, 2022 - present\\
*Vice-dean, University of Zagreb School of Medicine 2015 - 2022 \\
*Chair, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital „Dubrava“, Zagreb, 2001 - present\\
*Full permanent professor of radiology, UZSM 2013 - present\\
*Member, Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, since 2010\\
*Chair and Founder of Advisory Board for National Breast Cancer Screening program in Croatia, 2005 - present
__Major memberships and professional activities:__
*Secretary, International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology, 2023 - present\\
*Secretary General, International Society of Radiology, 2020 - present\\
*President, European Alliance for Medical Radiation Protection EURAMED 2021 - 2023\\
*Chair, European Society of Radiology (ESR) Eurosafe Imaging Initiative July 2022 - present\\
*Chairman of the Board of Directors, ESR, 2020 - 2021\\
*President, ESR, 2019 - 2020\\
*Board member, ESR, 2017 - 2022\\
*Executive Council member, ESR, 2011 - 2017\\
*President, Croatian Society of Radiology, 2008 - 2012\\
*Honorary member of thirteen radiology societies \\
*International Associate Editor, Radiology (IF 19), since 2023\\
*Editor-in-chief, Journal of Ultrasound  2018 - present
Publications and scientific projects: editor of one textbook, author of two monographic textbooks, 73 chapters in textbooks and books (23 in English), >140 papers in peer-reviewed magazines; Principal investigator at five finished projects, Coordinator of two European Commission Tender projects, Consortium member of on Horizon-2020 project and one EU4H project, Chair of the Advisory Board of the Horizon 2020 EURAMED rocc’n’roll project. \\
__Lectures and Meetings: __over 450 invited lectures at over 330 international meetings and institutions. \\
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