!!!Boris Brkljačić
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2023,8 - present Secretary, International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology, ISSSR
* 2022,10 - present Vice Rector, University of Zagreb
* 2022,7 - present European Society of Radiology Eurosafe Imaging Initiative Steering Committe Chair
* 2021,10 - 2023,10 president, European Alliance for Medical Radiation Protection Research, EURAMED
* 2020,3 - currently, Secretary General, International Society of Radiology, ISR
* 2020,3 - 2021,3 Chairman of the Board, European Society of Radiology, ESR 
* 2019,3 - 2020,3 President, European Society of Radiology, ESR
* 2017,3 - 2022,7 Board Member, European Society of Radiology, ESR
* 2015 - 2022 Vice Dean for Science (2015-21) and for International Affairs (2021-22,10), University of Zagreb School of Medicine
* 2011 - 2017 Executive Council Member, European Society of Radiology, ESR
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2024 Gold Medal, European Society of Radiology
* 2023 University of Zagreb School of Medicine Special Dean's Award for Advances in Profession and Science to the Advisory Board for National Breast Cancer Screening Programme Organization and Quality Control (chair Boris Brkljačić)
* 2021 Honorary Member, Radiology Society of North America
* 2020 University of Zagreb Award “Andrija Štampar” for attained research results, promotion of scientific discipline and profession, and transfer of knowledge and education of young professionals in the field of Biomedical Sciences
* 2020 Honorary Fellow, European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
* 2019 Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Radiologists, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
* 2010 Full Member, Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia
* 2005 Fellow, European Society of Urogenital Radiology
* 1996 Borislav Nakić Young Researcher Award of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia 
* 1987 University of Zagreb Rector's Award for the best student of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Brkljačić_Boris/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Brkljačić_Boris/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Brkljačić_Boris/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Brkljačić_Boris/OtherInformation]

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