!!Jose Brunner - Biography
José Brunner is a Professor Emeritus at the Buchmann Faculty of Law and the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas at Tel Aviv University. He continues to teach at Tel Aviv University and other universities and served until recently as academic director of the Wiener Library for the Study of the Nazi-Era and the Holocaust.\\
Brunner’s areas of research are diverse. They include the politics of trauma discourse and psychoanalysis as well as psychological explanations of National Socialism, the practice of reparations for Holocaust survivors in Israel and Germany, psychological care for young Holocaust survivors in the immediate aftermath of World War II, contemporary political theories and the history of the right to truth. \\
Brunner published over 100 scientific publications in 5 languages, including 17 edited volumes and 2 monographs. His Freud and the Politics of Psychoanalysis appeared in 4 editions from 1995 to 2017 (in German and English). In 2014 Suhrkamp published his Die Politik des Traumas. Gewalterfahrungen und psychisches Leid in den USA, in Deutschland und im Israel/Palästina Konflikt.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit jbrunner}][{ALLOW upload jbrunner}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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