!!Jan Buitelaar - Biography
Jan Buitelaar is a professor of psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry at the Radboud University Medical Centre, and at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His clinical affiliation is with Karakter Child and  Adolescent Psychiatry in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.\\
He studied medicine and philosophy at Utrecht University, and obtained his M.D. in 1978. Thereafter he specialized in psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry at Utrecht University and Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He obtained his PhD in 1991 for work on the psychopharmacology of autism, being the first to explore treatment of autism with neuropeptides. Next he initiated further clinical and biological studies in autism and ADHD, as well as work on the effects of prenatal stress and the prenatal hormonal environment on the developmental outcome of the offspring. \\
He has a strong clinical and research interest in neuropsychiatric disorders as ADHD, autism and impulsivity and aggression related disorders, and is involved in pharmacological, cognitive, clinical, genetic, and neuroimaging studies in these disorders. His current active research is focused on translational studies aiming to identify new molecular targets for ADHD and autism through matching preclinical models to human imaging genetics studies. \\
His research is supported by numerous grants from the European Union, NIH, and from the Dutch Medical Research Council. He favors "consortium neuroscience", and has coordinated  several EU consortia (PERS, TACTICS, BRAINVIEW), is coordinating another one (CANDY) and has lead / leads work packages in many others (STOP, ADDUCE, EU-AIMS, AIMS-2-TRIALS, PRIME, Aggressotype, MATRICS, Eat2beNICE, PRIME). He has served at advisory boards and as external consultant for many pharmaceutical companies (Roche, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, Medice, Servier, Lilly, Boehringer Ingelheim).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit jbuitelaar}][{ALLOW upload jbuitelaar}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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