!!Javier Caceres - Curriculum Vitae
*2015, Head of Genome Regulation Section, MRC Human Genetics Unit, IGMM, University of Edinburgh\\
*2012, Professor of RNA and Gene expression (Personal Chair), MRC Human Genetics Unit, IGMM, University of Edinburgh
*1989, Ph.D. in Molecular Biology. School of Sciences, University of Buenos Aires \\
*1985, MSc. in Biology. School of Sciences, University of Buenos Aires
*2008, Elected as member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)\\
*2011, Elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE)\\
*2011, Awarded a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award
*Associate Editor, RNA (2011-Present)\\
*Editorial Board, EMBO Journal (2009-Present)\\
*Editorial Board, Nucleic Acids Research (2007-Present)\\
Member of the European Research Council (ERC-Starting Grants)\\
LS1-Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry panel (2010-2015)\\
Member of the International Reviewing Panel for the National Centres of Excellence (NCCR), “RNA and Disease”, Swiss National Foundation (2015-2018)\\
Member of the Reviewing board for the German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Programme "Deciphering the mRNP code: RNA-bound determinants of post-transcriptional gene regulation” (2016) \\
Member of EMBO Course Committee (2014-2017)\\
__Selected publications__
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1. Cáceres,J.F., Stamm,S., Helfmann,D.M. and Krainer,A.R. (1994) Science, 265, 1706-1709. \\
2. Sanford,J.R., Gray,N.K., Beckmann,K. and Cáceres,J.F. (2004). Genes Dev.,18,  755-768. \\
3. Longman,D., Plasterk,R.H., Johnstone,I.L. and Cáceres,J.F. (2007) Genes Dev., 21,1075-1085.\\
4. Guil,S. and Cáceres,J.F. (2007) Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 14, 591-596.\\
5. Michlewski,G., Sanford,J.R. and Cáceres,J.F. (2008) Mol Cell, 30, 179-189.\\
6. Michlewski,G.*, Guil,S*., Semple,C. and Cáceres,J.F. (2008) Mol Cell, 32, 383-393.*Joint First authors\\
7. Michlewski,G. and Cáceres,J.F. (2010) Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 17, 1011-1018.\\
8. Macias,S., Plass,M., Stajuda,A., Michlewski,G., Eyras,E. and Cáceres,J.F. (2012) Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 19, 760-766.\\
9. Maslon,M.M.*, Heras,S.R.*, Bellora,N., Eyras,E. and Cáceres,J.F.  (2014) eLife, 3, e02028.*Joint First authors\\
10. Macias,S.±, Cordiner,R.A.±, Gautier,P., Plass,M. and Cáceres,J.F. (2015) Mol. Cell, 60, 873–885. ±Joint First authors