!!!Brian Cantor
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*Oct. 2013 - present Vice-Chancellor at the University of Bradford
*2002 - Sep. 2013 Vice-Chancellor, York University
*2000 - 2002 Head of the Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Oxford University
*1998 - 2002 Academic Director, Begbroke Business and Science Park
*1995 - 2000 Head of the Department of Materials, Oxford University
*1990 - 1995 Director of the Oxford Centre for Advanced Materials and Composites
*1981 - 2002 Lecturer, Reader then Cookson Professor, Department of Materials, Oxford University
*1982 Scientist, General Electric Research Laboratories, Schenectady
*1972 - 1981 Research Assistant then Lecturer, School of Engineering, Sussex University
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*1979 Chartered Engineer
*1980 Member of the American Metallurgical Society
*1989 Fellow of the Institute of Materials
*1993 Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society
*1993 Rosenhain Medal of the Institute of Materials
*1996 Honorary Member of the Materials Research Society of India
*1996 Honorary Professor of Northeastern University, Shenyang
*1998 Ismanam Prize
*1998 Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
*1999 Fellow of the Institute of Physics
*1999 Member of the Academia Europaea
*2000 Honorary Professor of Chinese National Institute of Metals
*2002 Platinum Medal of the Institute of Metals
*2006 ISI Most Cited Researcher
*2008 Companion of the Chartered Management Institute
*2024 Fellow of the Royal Society
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Cantor_Brian/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Cantor_Brian/cantor_brian_publications.pdf]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Cantor_Brian/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Cantor_Brian/OtherInformation]

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