!!Ana Caraiani - Selected Publications
On the generic part of the cohomology of non-compact unitary Shimura varieties\\
Caraiani, Ana; Scholze, Peter\\
Scholze, Annals of Math. (2), 199 (2024), no 2, 483–590.\\
The cohomology of Shimura varieties with torsion coefficients\\
Caraiani, Ana\\
Proc. Int. Cong. Math. 2022, vol. 3, 1744–1766, EMS Press, Berlin, 2023.\\
Vanishing theorems for Shimura varieties at unipotent level\\
Caraiani, Ana; Gulotta, Daniel R.; Johansson, Christian\\
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 25 (2023), no. 3, 869–911.\\
On the étale cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties with torsion coefficients\\
Caraiani, Ana; Tamiozzo, Matteo\\
Compos. Math. 159 (2023), no. 11, 2279–2325.\\
Potential automorphy over CM fields\\
Allen, Patrick B.; Calegari, Frank; Caraiani, Ana; Gee, Toby; Helm, David; Le Hung, Bao V.; Newton, James; Scholze, Peter; Taylor, Richard; Thorne, Jack A.\\
Ann. of Math. (2) 197 (2023), no. 3, 897–1113.\\
Kisin modules with descent data and parahoric local models\\
Caraiani, Ana; Levin, Brandon\\
Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4) 51 (2018), no. 1, 181–213.\\
On the generic part of the cohomology of compact unitary Shimura varieties\\
Caraiani, Ana; Scholze, Peter\\
Ann. of Math. (2) 186 (2017), no. 3, 649–766.\\
Patching and the p-adic local Langlands correspondence\\
Caraiani, Ana; Emerton, Matthew; Gee, Toby; Geraghty, David; Paškūnas, Vytautas; Shin, Sug Woo\\
Camb. J. Math. 4 (2016), no. 2, 197–287.\\
Local-global compatibility and monodromy for l = p\\
Caraiani, Ana\\
Algebra & Number Theory 8 (2014), no. 7, 1597--1646.\\
Local-global compatibility and the action of monodromy on nearby cycles\\
Caraiani, Ana\\
Duke Math. J. 161 (2012), no. 12, 2311–2413.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit acaraiani}][{ALLOW upload acaraiani}][{ALLOW comment All}]