!!!Anna Carlier
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2021 Director of the Research Unit "Sens, Texte, Informatique, Histoire", comprising 57 full and associate professors, 130 doctoral students
* 2018 Full Professor, Sorbonne University
* 2008 - 2018 Full Professor, University of Lille
* 1993 - 2008   	Assistant Professor, University of Valenciennes
* 2007 - 2008 & 2009-2010  CNRS Delegation, UMR Lattice (Paris), UMR STL (Lille)
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2019   Elected as Member of the Belgian Royal Academy of French Language and Literature
* GRANTS & PROJECT FUNDING (last 10 years, selection)
** 2023 - 2027   CNRS Grant for the coordination of the "Language and languages at the crossroad of Disciplines" Research Network (75,000€) 
** 2019 - 2021   CoRaLHis Project (Comparing Romance Languages through History : building a multilingual parallel diachronic corpus (13th-18th C.) funded by IDEX-credits (role: coordinator) (68,106 €)
**2014-18   ANR-DFG Funded Project "The transition from Latin to French: constitution and analysis of a Latin-French digital corpus" (PaLaFra), coordinator, with Céline Guillit-Barbance (ENS-Lyon) & Maria Selig (Regensburg University) (449,919 €)
** 2013 - 2014   Project funded by the Franco-Bavarian Cooperation Center (CCUFB, München), coordinator, with M. Selig, University of Regensburg (10,000€)
** 2012 - 2016   Labex-TransferS project "Space, Time and Existence", role: coordinator, with Laure Sarda (CNRS) ([http://www.transfers.ens.fr/espace-temps-existence])  (32,000 €)
* AWARDS (last 10 years)
** 2022 - 2026   RIPEC Individual Award (France)
** 2017 - 2021   (Post)-Doctoral) supervision and Research Award (France)
** 2013 - 2017   Scientific Excellence Award (France)

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Carlier_Anna/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Carlier_Anna/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Carlier_Anna/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Carlier_Anna/OtherInformation]

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