!! Possibly interesting links * Nobel Price (shareed with Sideny Altman) in [Chemistry 1989|http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1989 ] * Thomas Chech's relation with [Harvard|http://www.boston.com/news/education/higher/gallery/harvard_presidential_candidates?pg=3] * Robert G. Petersdorf [Lecture 2007|http://www.aamc.org/meetings/annual/2007/highlights/petersdorf.htm] \\ ---- !Any further pages in alphabetic order of their title as created by you.\\ Just click at "Create new page", then type a short title and click OK, then add information on the empty page presented to you (including maybe a picture from your harddisk or a pdf-file by using the "Upload" Button) and finally click at "Save".\\ [{CategoryIndexPlugin category='User/Cech_Thomas/OtherInformation'}]