!!!Ka Leung Francis Chan
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2024/04 - 2025/03 Visiting Professor, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
* 2022/07 - 2027/06 Senior Associate Editor, Gastroenterology, AGA
* 2019/10 - present Co-Director, Microbiota I-Center (MagIC) Limited, Innovation and Technology Commission, Hong Kong SAR Government (the only government-endorsed microbiota R&D Center in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area with a population of over 80 million)
* 2019/06 - present Board Chairman and Chief Medical Officer, GenieBiome Limited and its subsidiaries
* 2019/06 - present Honorary Associate Director and Strategic Scientist, National Clinical Research Center for digestive Diseases, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University
* 2018/10 - present Visiting Honorary Professor, The Medical Faculty, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Germany
* 2014/02 - 01/2024 Dean, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Global ranking in Medicine: QS 28, Times Higher Education 37)
* 2013/04 - 01/2024 Board Member, Hospital Authority of Hong Kong (local health authority providing all public health service in Hong Kong, over 7 million citizens)
* 2008/03 Visiting Professor, Institute of Health Sciences of Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain
* 2005/05 Visiting Professor, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2023 The Mok Hing Yiu Lecturer, Oxford University, England
* 2023 AGA Institute Council Section Research Mentor Award
* 2023 Special Edition of International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva: Gold Medal with Congratulation of the jury - Invention: One Stool Test for Multi- Disease Early Detection; Silver Medal - Invention: Go with your Gut to Predict Post Acute COVID Syndrome
* 2022 Highly Cited Researcher 2022, Clarivate
* 2022 Special Edition of International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva: Gold Medal - Invention: Specific fecal bacterial markers of ASD; Silver Medal - Invention: Level Up FMT Treatment; Gold Medal - Invention: G-NiiB Immunity-SIM01; Silver Medal - Invention: M3CRC™ 
* 2020 First-class award in Natural Sciences, Ministry of Education (MOE) Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Science and Technology), Ministry of Education, PRC
* 2019 - 2020 ExpertScape Named Top 0.06% World Expert in Aspirin, Helicobacter Infections and Peptic Ulcer
* 2019 B J Vakil Orator, Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India
* 2018 Honorary Doctorate Degree, Osaka City University, Japan
* 2018 International Leadership Award, American College of Gastroenterology
* 2018 23rd AJS McFadzean Orator, Hong Kong College of Physicians
* 2018 Vikit Viranuvatti Plenary Lecturer, Royal College of Physicians of Thailand
* 2017 27th Seah Cheng Siang Memorial Lecturer, Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine
* 2017 State Scientific and Technological Progress Award, State Council of PRC
* 2016 19th Vikit Viranuvatti’s Lecturer, Gastroenterological Association of Thailand
* 2011 The JGHF Marshall & Warren Lecturer, Asia Pacific Digestive Disease, Singapore Federation
* 2011 Second-class award in Technology Advancement, Ministry of Education (MOE) Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Science and Technology), Ministry of Education, PRC
* 2008  Andy Martynoga Memorial Lecturer, Annual Scientific Conference, British Primary Care Rheumatology Society
* 2007 State Scientific and Technological Progress Award, State Council of PRC
* 2005 The David Y Graham Lecturer, The American College of Gastroenterology

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Chan_Ka_Leung_Francis/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Chan_Ka_Leung_Francis/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Chan_Ka_Leung_Francis/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Chan_Ka_Leung_Francis/OtherInformation]

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