!!!Christopher Chapple
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2022 - present Emeritus Consultant Urological Surgeon, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
*2016 - 2019 Network Coordinator, European Reference Network for rare urogenital diseases and complex conditions (ERN eUROGEN)
*2015 - 2023 Secretary General, European Association of Urology
*2013 - present Honorary Professor of Urology, University of Sheffield
*2012 - 2014 Chairman, International Relations Office, European Association of Urology
*2011 - 2012 Chairman, Section of Female, Neurological and Urodynamic Urology, British Association of Urological Surgeons
*2006 - 2015 Editor in Chief, Neurourology & Urodynamics
*2006 - present Visiting Professor of Urology, Sheffield Hallam University
*2004 - 2012 Adjunct Secretary General Responsible For Education, European Association of Urology
*1992 - 2022 Consultant Urological Surgeon, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2023 Distinguished Career Award, Société Internationale d'Urologie
*2023 Honorary Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
*2022 Honorary Fellow of the Sri Lankan College of Surgeons
*2022 Shlomo Raz Medal, Confederación Americana de Urología
*2020 Hall of Fame, International Continence Society
*2018 Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Hong Kong (FCSHK (Hon))
*2018 F. Brantley Scott Award, Boston Scientific, at the American Urological Association
*2016 Honoris Causa, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila Bucharest
*2015 Lifetime Achievement Award, Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine & Urogenital Reconstruction
*2011 St Peter’s Medal, British Association of Urological Surgeons
*2009 Doctoris Honoris Causa (DHC), Semmelweiss University, Budapest
* Honorary member of urology associations: American, Canadian, Chinese, Confederación Americana de Urología, Czech, Dutch, German, Georgian, Hong Kong, Hungarian, Iranian, Japanese, Mexican, Peruvian, Polish, Philippines, Romanian. Russian, Slovak, Sri Lankan, Swedish

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Chapple_Christopher/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Chapple_Christopher/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Chapple_Christopher/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Chapple_Christopher/OtherInformation]

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