!!Bernadette Charleux - Curriculum Vitae
Deputy Vice-President for Research and Development\\
Les Miroirs, 18 Avenue d'Alsace\\
92096 La Défense Cedex - France
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*2000-  Habilitation   \\
*1991-  PhD Polymeric materials, University Claude Bernard, Lyon I\\
*1988-   M.Sc Polymeric materials, University Claude Bernard, Lyon I\\
*1987-   Graduate School of Chemical Science and Engineering, (Institut de Chimie et de Physique Industrielles de Lyon / CPE Lyon)
*2013- deputy director for R&D at Saint-Gobain\\
*2009-2013: Full Professor at the University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1\\
Director of the research laboratory C2P2 (CNRS – UCB Lyon 1 – CPE)      \\
Director of the team Chemistry and Processes of Polymerization  \\
*2001-2009:  Full Professor at the University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6), Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères (LCP, UMR 7610)  UPMC - Paris 6\\
*1993-2001:  CNRS Researcher, Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères (LCP, UMR 7610), UPMC - Paris 6