!!De Chen - Biography
Dr. De Chen is a professor of catalysis within the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), where he has been a pivotal figure since 2001, previously holding the position of associate professor from 1998 to 2001. His academic journey began with a PhD in industrial catalysis, which he completed at NTNU in 1998.\\
Throughout his illustrious career, Dr. Chen has left an indelible mark on the field of catalysis. He further enriched his academic portfolio as a visiting professor at esteemed institutions, including the University of California at Berkeley from 2009 to 2010 and the East China University of Science and Technology from 2017 to 2018.\\
At the heart of Dr. Chen's research lies a multiscale approach that seamlessly bridges the realms of catalysis science and industrial chemical processes. His pioneering work, which combines both theoretical and experimental aspects of heterogeneous catalysis, has resulted in the development of groundbreaking catalysts. These catalysts have found application in diverse domains, from gas-to-liquids processes and monomer production for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to biomass conversion, natural gas-to-olefins transformation, hydrogen production, and advanced materials for CO2 capture technologies. Notably, his contributions extend to critical areas such as plastic waste recycling and energy storage solutions.\\
Dr. Chen's accomplishments have earned him recognition and membership in prestigious academies, including the Norwegian Academy of Technological Science and the Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters. In addition to his academic pursuits, he serves as the director of an innovation hub dedicated to the upcycling of waste materials and holds a vital role within the leadership group at the National Innovation Center of Industrial Catalysis Science and Innovation (iCSI) and National Environmental Energy Centers (FME) of Biomass for Fuels (Bio4Fuels). Prof. Chen has a prolific publication record, with over 450 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals. His work has been widely cited, with an H-index of 84. Additionally, he holds more than 10 patents licensed to industries, showcasing his innovative contributions to the field of catalysis.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit dchen}][{ALLOW upload dchen}][{ALLOW comment All}]