!!!Long-Qing Chen
[{Image src='Chen_Long_Qing_small.jpg'  alt='Long-Qing Chen' height='220'}]
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2015, 07 - present Donald W. Hamer Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
* 2012, 07 - 2015, 06 Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
* 2002, 07 - 2012, 06 Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
* 2000, 07 - 2002, 06 Associate Department Head of Graduate Studies, Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State, PA, USA
* 1998, 07 - 2002, 06 Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State, PA, USA
* 1992, 05 - 1998, 06 Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State, PA, USA
* 1982, 07 - 1983, 08 Assistant Instructor of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2022 TMS FMD John Bardeen Award which recognizes outstanding contributions and leadership in electronic materials
* 2018 AAAS Fellow recognizing distinguished scientific efforts to advance science and its applications
* 2017 Humboldt Senior Scientist Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
* 2017 Fellow and life member of TMS: a pinnacle award at TMS for outstanding contributions to metallurgy and materials science
* 2015 Fellow of the American Ceramic Society for outstanding contributions to ceramic sciences
* 2015 Lee Hsun Award by the Shenyang Institute of Metals, China for impactful contributions to materials science and engineering
* 2014 MRS Materials Theory Award for pioneering development and applications of phase-field method
* 2013 Fellow of Materials Research Society for sustained and distinguished contributions to the advance of materials research
* 2012 Fellow of ASM International for distinguished contributions to materials science and engineering
* 2011 TMS EMPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award for broad sustained impact on computational materials science
* 2008 Fellow of the American Physical Society for pioneering contributions to the field of computational materials physics
* 2006 Royal Society Kang Tong Po Visiting Professorship at Hong Kong Polytechnic University
* 2006 ASM Materials Science Research Silver Medal for distinguished contributions in materials science & engineering
* 2005 Guggenheim Fellow from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation for exceptional capacity for productive scholarship
* 1995 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award for exceptional promise for doing creative research

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Chen_Long-Qing/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Chen_Long-Qing/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Chen_Long-Qing/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Chen_Long-Qing/OtherInformation]

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