!!Daniel Choquet - Curriculum Vitae
Bordeaux University\\
Research director, CNRS
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*1997 Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Bordeaux University\\
*1994-1996 Sabbatical stay, Duke University (N.C., USA). EMBO Fellow\\
*1990 Post-doctoral stay, Irvine University (CA, USA) Supervisor Pr. M. Cahalan\\
*1988  PhD : Paris VI University. Option Pharmacology. Institut Pasteur \\
*1984  Diploma from the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures de Paris\\
__Employment and Research Experience__
*2011- Director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Neuroscience, UMR 5297 CNRS-Université Bordeaux Segalen\\
*2011- Director of the Bordeaux Imaging Center, UMS 3420 CNRS-University of Bordeaux-INSERM\\
*2011- Director of the Excellence Cluster BRAIN (Bordeaux Région Aquitaine Initiative for Neuroscience)\\
*2007-2010 Adjunct director of the laboratory Cellular Physiology of Synapses, UMR 5091\\
*1999-2010 Group leader CNRS, “Cellular Physiology of Synapses”, Bordeaux University\\
*1998- Research director at the CNRS\\
*1996-1999 Junior group leader at the CNRS/ Bordeaux University. Recipient of an ATIP Grant  \\
*1988-1998  Research officer at the CNRS
__Honors and Awards__
*2014 Member of EMBO\\
*2013 Advanced ERC grant from the European commission  \\
*2012 Chevalier de l'ordre des Palmes académiques\\
*2011 Victoires de la medicine 2011\\
*2010 Member of the French Academy of Science\\
*2010 Prix de l'Académie Nationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux\\
*2009 Silver Medal from the CNRS\\
*2009 Advanced ERC grant from the European commission  \\
*2007 Bauer Lectureship award, Brandeis University\\
*2004 Grand prix from the French Academy of Sciences, prix du CEA.\\
*2002 Pierre-Bois Lectureship award, McGill University\\
*1997 Research prize from the « Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale »\\
*1994 Prize from the «société de secours des amis de la science »\\
*1994 Petit-Dormoy prize from the French Academy of Sciences\\
*1990 Bronze medal from the CNRS
* 1984-86: Neuroscience - patch clamp recordings of GABA and Glycine activated currents
* 1984-1994: Immunology - Electrophysiological properties of lymphocytes studied by patch clamp
* 1991-1994: Immunology – Calcium imaging to study antigen responses in B Lymphocytes
* 1994-1996: Cell biology – high resolution video microscopy and particle tracking to study regulation of integrin anchoring to the cytoskeleton. Control by ligand binding and  substrate rigidity
* 1999-2010: Cell biology – Regulation of cadherin and NCAMs interactions with the cytoskeleton
* 2000-present: Imaging - Development of single molecule and super resolution imaging techniques
* 1996-present: Neuroscience / Cell biology - Neurotransmitter receptors trafficking, role in synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity. Dynamic imaging of movements of receptors in living neurons. Regulation by neuronal activity and scaffolding proteins
* 1999-present: Neuroscience / Cell biology - Role of adhesion proteins in the organization of glutamate receptors
* 2007-present: Neuroscience / Physiology - Functional impact of AMPA receptor dynamic organization in synaptic transmission 
* 2007-present: Neuroscience / PathoPhysiology - Interaction between AMPA receptor trafficking and synapse dysfunction
__Current other Administrative functions__
*2012- Member of the Council of Scientists, HFSP\\
*2008- Member of the scientific advisory board of the ICeMS, Kyoto