!!Sebastian Conrad - Selected Publications
Wege zur Modernen Welt, 1750-1870 (Geschichte der Welt, vol. 4), Munich (C.H. Beck) 2016 (edited, with Jürgen Osterhammel).\\
What is Global History? Princeton (Princeton University Press) 2016.\\
Globalgeschichte. Eine Einführung, München (C.H. Beck) 2013.\\
Enlightenment in Global History: A Historiographical Critique, American Historical Review 117 (2012), 999-1027.\\
German Colonialism: A Short History, Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 2012.\\
The Colonial Ties are Liquidated‘: Modernization Theory, Post-War Japan and the Global Cold War, Past & Present 216 (2012), 181-214.\\
Globalisation and the Nation in Imperial Germany, Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 2010.\\
The Quest for the Lost Nation: Writing History in Germany and Japan in the American Century, Berkeley (University of California Press) 2010.\\
Memory in a Global Age, London (Palgrave Macmillan) 2010 (with Aleida Assmann).\\
Jenseits des Eurozentrismus: Postkoloniale Perspektiven in den Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Frankfurt (Campus) 2002 (with Shalini Randeria); second revised edition 2013.