!!Giovan Battista D'Alessio - Selected Publications
1- First-person Problems in Pindar, BICS 39 (1994) 117-39\\
2- Callimaco. Inni, Epigrammi, Frammenti Introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di G.B.D'Alessio, Testo greco a fronte, Milan 1996, fourth, revised edition, with the addition of new fragments, Milan 2007\\
3- Pindar's Prosodia and the Classification of Pindaric Papyrus Fragments, ZPE 118 (1997) 23-60\\
4- Danni materiali e ricostruzione di rotoli papiracei: le Elleniche di Ossirinco (POxy 842) e altri esempi, ZPE 134 (2001) 23-41\\
5- Past Future and Present Past: Time Deixis in Greek Archaic Lyric, Arethusa 37.3 (2004) 267-94\\
6- Performance, transmission and the loss of Hellenistic lyric poetry, in R. Hunter, A. Uhlig (eds) Imagining Reperformance in Ancient Culture Studies in the Traditions of Drama and Lyric, Cambridge 2017, 232-61\\
7- Fiction and Pragmatics in Ancient Greek Lyric: The Case of Sappho, in F. Budelmann, Th. Phillips (eds) Textual Events Performance and the Lyric in Early Greece, Oxford 2018, 31-62\\
8- The Problem of the Absent I Lyric Poetry and Deixis in ‘Mediated’ Communication, AION 42 (2020) 1-30 \\
9- The Afterlife of Sappho's Afterlife, CCJ 68 (2022 ), 49-82\\
10- On the New Fragments of the Orphic Rhapsodies, ZPE 222 (2022), 17-36\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit gdalessio}][{ALLOW upload gdalessio}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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