!!!Junbiao Dai
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2023.02 - present	Professor, Agricultural Genomes Institute at Shenzhen (AGIS), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Shenzhen, China
* 2017.05 - 2023.02	Professor, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Science, Shenzhen, China
* 2011.03 - 2017.04     Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
* 2006.09 - 2011.02    Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA
* 2000.08 - 2006.08    Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, USA
* 1997.09 - 2000.07  Master of Science in Cell Biology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
* 1993.09 - 1997.07   Bachelor of Science in Biology, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2019  National Ten-thousand Talents Program, China
* 2018  Newton Advanced Fellowship, The Royal Society, UK
* 2018  C.C. Tan Life Science Innovation Award, China
* 2017  National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, NSFC, China
* 2017  Science Top 10 in China
* 2013  Bayer Investigator Award, Tsinghua University, China
* 2012  Janssen Investigator Award, Tsinghua University, China
* 2011  National Youth Thousand Talent Program, China
* 2011  The Albert Lehninger Research Award, Johns Hopkins University USA

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Dai_Junbiao/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Dai_Junbiao/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Dai_Junbiao/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Dai_Junbiao/OtherInformation]

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