!!Ronald de Wit - Interests and Research

Since 1990 Ronald de Wit has been tightly involved in International Collaborative clinical research and has been successful in changing treatment paradigms on a global level in the three most important urological cancers; germ cell cancer, prostate cancer and urothelial cell cancer.
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He has served as Chairman of the EORTC GU Chemotherapy for a decade, establishing important clinical trials in germ cell cancer and urothelial cancer. During his chairmanship he was the PI or senior author in multiple randomized trials in germ call cancer, with the clinically most important trial establishing 3 cycles of BEP to be sufficient therapy in good risk metastatic disease .
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National collaboration provided important insight in the long term adverse effects of systemic treatment ( pubmed 3) and recent global collaboration resulted in a 2021 update of the original (1997) International Germ cell Cancer Classification for seminoma and non-seminoma.
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During his EORTC Chair position, his was involved  in the launch and conduct of randomized trials  in urothelial cancer, setting the stage for gemcitabine-platinum based regimens as the new standard chemotherapy.
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In the 2010s he was co-Lead Investigator of  randomized Industry Sponsored Chemotherapy as well as Immunotherapy trials with Checkpoint Inhibitors  that resulted in the approval of Pembrolizumab in both the second and first line setting , as well as refractory non-muscle invasive disease.  He is involved  in Translational and Immuno-Oncology research on biomarker studies on prognostic and predictive factors  for checkpoint inhibition.
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In the early 2000s he was the European co-chair of the landmark trial that identified docetaxel as effective therapy in castrate resistant prostate cancer. This was followed by direct involvement of a myriad of trials with chemotherapy, as well as  the novel AR-signaling agents, that dramatically changed the landscape in the management of prostate cancer. His translational research includes the interaction between the taxanes and the novel hormonal agents treatment, as well as biomarker research. 
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Aside from the achievements in the management of urological cancers Ronald de Wit made major contributions in the improvement of anti-emetic treatment that led to landmark shifts in the management of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.



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