!!Gabrielle Demange - Selected publications
1- "On party-proportional representation under district distortions", Mathematical Social Sciences  2012, 63, 181-191, doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2011.10.002. \\
[[This is a survey, mainly based on works with Michel Balinski, which have led to the design of new allocation rules of seats to parties, currently under experimentation in Switzerland.]\\
2- "Sharing information in web communities" Games and Economic Behavior, March 2010, Volume 68, Issue 2, 580-601. \\
3- "On group stability in hierarchies and networks", Journal of Political Economy, August 2004, 112, 754-778.  \\
4- "On optimality in intergenerational risk sharing", Economic Theory, 20, 2002, 1-27. \\
5- "Social Security and Demographic Shocks", with Guy Laroque, Econometrica, 67, 1999, 527-542. \\
6- "Optimality of Incomplete Markets", with Guy Laroque, Journal of Economic Theory, 65, 1995, 218-232. \\
7- "Intermediate Preferences and Stable Coalition Structures", Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1994, 45-58. \\
8- "Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods and Money and Criteria of Justice", with A. Alkan and D. Gale, Econometrica, 59, 1991, 1023-1040.  "Nonmanipulable Cores", Econometrica, 55 (5), 1987, 1057-1074. \\
9- "Multi-Item Auctions", with David Gale and Marilda Sotomayor, Journal of Political Economy, 94 (4), 1986, 863-872. \\
10- "The Strategy Structure of Two Sided Matching Markets", with D. Gale, Econometrica, 53 (4), 1985, 873-888. \\
[[The three last works are now cited by computer scientists. The works on two sided matching games and multi-item auctions with David Gale were among the first in a now large field, in particular due to the use of auctions on Internet.]