!!Roberto Di Pietro - Biography
Prof. Dr. Roberto Di Pietro is currently Full Professor of Computer Science at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), with the CEMSE Division, affiliated to the RC3 Center and a Research Associate of the National Research Council (CNR, Italy, since 2010). Previously, he served: as Full Professor of Cybersecurity at HBKU-CSE, Doha-Qatar; as Global Head of Cybersecurity Research for Bell Labs (Alcatel-Lucent/Nokia); as Professor at University of Padova (with tenure); and, Faculty at University of Roma Tre (with tenure). He started his Computer Scientist professional career back to 1995, serving for a few years as a military senior technical officer within the Italian MoD. In his Academic career, he has secured ≈9.6M USD in funding (either as LPI or PI). \\
With 25+ years of professional experience in systems, Dr. Di Pietro has been leading both technology-oriented and research-focused teams in the private sector, government, and academia. He has also enjoyed high-level long-period professional consulting appointments at International Organizations (United Nations—New York City—,EUROJUST—The Hague—, IAEA—Vienna—, WIPO—Geneva). Among his several long term research appointments abroad (e.g. Vrije University, Amsterdam-The Netherlands, George Mason University (Center for Secure Information Systems) Fairfax-USA, EURECOM, Nice-France, BDigital Barcelona-Catalunya). \\
Dr. Di Pietro has been publishing 270+ scientific publications, co-authored three books, edited one book on Intrusion Detection Systems contributed with chapters to several books, and has co-authored 16 patents—all of these contributions in distributed systems security & privacy. His scientific work has totaled 12,800+ citations, with h-index=51 and i-index=174 according to Google.\\
His education accounts for two MS: one in Computer Science and one in Informatics—both from University of Pisa; a post-graduate Specialization Diploma in Operations Research and Strategic Decisions; and, a PhD in Computer Science—both from University of Roma “La Sapienza”.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit rdipietro}][{ALLOW upload rdipietro}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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