!!!Simon Donaldson
[{Image src='Simon Donaldson.jpg' caption='' height='180' alt='Simon Donaldson'}]%%
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*1998 - present Royal Society Research Professor at Imperial College London
*Permament member of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook University in New York, USA
*1985 Wallis Professor of Mathematics, Oxford University
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*1985 Junior Whitehead Prize from the London Mathematical Society 
*1986 Fellow of the Royal Society 
*1986 Fields Medal
*1990 Royal Medal, Royal Society
*[1994 the Crafoord Prize|http:///www.crafoordprize.se/press/arkivpressreleases/theroyalswedishacademyofsciencesawardsthe1994crafoordprizetodifferentialgeometry.5.32d4db7210df50fec2d800018097.html]
*1999 Polya Prize, London Mathematical Society
*2006 King Faisal International Prize
*2008 Nemmers Prize in Mathematics
*[2009 Shaw Prize in Mathematics (jointly with Clifford Taubes)|http:///www.shawprize.org/en/shaw.php?tmp=3&twoid=12&threeid=41&fourid=18]
*2010 Foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
*2012 Knighted for services to mathematics
*[2014 the Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics|https:///breakthroughprize.org/?controller=Page&action=laureates&p=3&laureate_id=55]
*2020 Wolf Prize
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Donaldson_Simon/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Donaldson_Simon/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Donaldson_Simon/Highlight]
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-->[Other information|User/Donaldson_Simon/OtherInformation]

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