!!Jonas Ebbesson - Selected Publications
2021: Miljörätt, 4th edition, 2021, 264 pp. (Environmental law) \\
2000: Internationell miljörätt, 2nd edition, 282 pp.  (International law of environment) \\
1996: Compatibility of International and National Environmental Law, Kluwer, Haag/London/Boston, 328 pp. \\
__Edited volumes:__\\
2022: The Cambridge Handbook of the Sustainable Development Goals and International Law, (Cambridge University Press); \\
2014: The Aarhus Convention: An Implementation Guide, 2nd edition (UN Economic Commission for Europe)\\
2014: International Law and Changing Perspectives of Security: Liber Amicorum Said Mahmoudi (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers)   \\
2009: Environmental Law and Justice in Context (Cambridge University Press)\\
__Journal Articles (and Festschrifts)__\\
2022: “Getting it Right: Advances of Human Rights and Environment from Stockholm”, 1972 to Stockholm 2022”, in: 52 Environmental Policy and Law (2022), pp. 79-92; \\
2021: “Public Participation”, in: (L. Rajamani & J. Peel) The Oxford Handbook of International Law, 2nd ed., pp. 351-367; \\
2021: “Compliance with Planetary Boundaries in International Law”, in: (D. French & L. Kotzé) Research Handbook on Law, Governance and Planetary Boundaries, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 183-202.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit jebbesson}][{ALLOW upload jebbesson}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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