!!Arnaud Echard - Curriculum Vitae
*Group Leader “Membrane Traffic and Cell Division” Lab, Institut Pasteur \\
*CNRS Director of Research DR1\\
*Professor, Ecole Polytechnique\\
*Past President of the French Society for Cell Biology
*2000  PhD. University of Paris XI, with highest honours\\
*1992-1996 Fellow of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon\\
*M.Sc. Molecular and Cellular Biology \\
*Agrégation of Biochemistry, National competition, highest Teaching degree
Full Professor of Biology at the Ecole Polytechnique (since 2006) In charge of the Molecular Biology course and the Physics of Membranes and Biological Polymers Master course.  250 students. Full Professor since 2018.\\
*President of the Scientific Council of the Institut Pasteur\\
*President (2021-2023) and Member (2019 - 2023) of the Scientific Council, in charge of the hiring of the Group Leaders, of the Lab evaluation of the Institut Pasteur and advice on the scientific strategy.\\
*President of the French Society for Cell Biology\\
*President (2015-2018) and Vice-President (2012 - 2015) of the French Society for Cell Biology (SBCF), a scientific society representing >1500 members and 270 labs [https://www.sbcf.fr]\\
*President of the hiring committee of the Institut Pasteur\\
*President (2016-2018) of the COMESP covering all areas of biological research. hiring and evaluation committee of permanent Researchers and Engineers of the Institut Pasteur
__Scientific Advisory Boards__
*Since 2020 Co-President, Insitute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (80 labs, 5 departments, one of the largest Cell biology institute in France)\\
*Since 2022 Member, SAB Immunology and Cancer department, Institut Curie, Paris\\
*Since 2019 Member, Labex Who Am I (Université de Paris)
__Editorial Boards__
*Since 2021  Editorial Board of Cells & Development (formerly Mechanisms of Development)-\\
*Since 2016 Editorial Board of Biology of the Cell\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit aechard}][{ALLOW upload aechard}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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