!!Thomas Efferth - Biography
Prof. Dr. Prof. h. c. mult. Thomas Efferth is the Director of the Institute of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences and chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. \\
He is biologist by training (Technical University Darmstadt). Ph.D. thesis: German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ, Heidelberg). He headed a research group for Pharmaceutical Biology at DKFZ (2005-2009) and was Adjunct Professor (apl.) at the University of Heidelberg (2007-2009). In 2009, he was granted a full professorship at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology of the University of Mainz. \\
Efferth published 780+ PubMed-listed papers (Hirsch factor: 100; citation rate: 53,000+ (according to Google Scholar) with 320+ lectures at international conferences, 8 patents, and a textbook on “Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology” (Springer, 2006).\\
He is editor-in-chief of the journal Phytomedicine (impact factor 6.6), associate/section editor of several other pharmaceutical journals, and scientific advisory board member in several councils (e.g., German Pharmaceutical Society).\\
Eighteen of his former lab members were promoted to leading academic positions (1 president, 1 dean, 2 full professors, 14 associate/assistant professors).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit tefferth}][{ALLOW upload tefferth}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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