!!Thomas Elmqvist - Selected Publications
Selection of recent papers where I am either first author or where I was instrumental in the development of ideas and writing. \\
Source of citation: ISI Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar (GS) 2024-01-16\\
Walker, B., Crépin, AS., Nyström, M. Elmqvist, T. et al. 2023. Response diversity as a sustainability strategy. Nat Sustain. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-022-01048-7. Cited: WoS: 6, GS: 16\\
Elmqvist, T., Andersson, E., McPhearson, T. et al. 2021. Urbanization in and for the Anthropocene. npj Urban Sustain 1, 6. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42949-021-00018-w  Cited: WoS: 60, GS: 79\\
McDonald, R.I., Mansur, A.V., Ascensão, F., Colbert, M., Crossman, K., Elmqvist, T., et.al. 2020. Research gaps in knowledge of the impact of urban growth in biodiversity. Nature Sustainability, DOI: 10.1038/s41893-019-0436-6 Cited: 197 (highly cited paper), GS: 313\\
Elmqvist, T, Andersson, E, Frantzeskaki, N, et al.2019. Sustainability and resilience for transformation in the urban century. NATURE SUSTAINABILITY   Vol: 2:4   Pages: 267-273 DOI: 10.1038/S41893-019-0250-1 Cited: 423 (highly cited paper), GS: 781\\
Elmqvist, T., Bai. X., Frantzeskaki, N., Maddox, D., McPhearson, T., Parnell, S., Romero-Lankao, P., Simon, D., Watkins, M. (eds). 2018. Urban Planet. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN: 9781107196933. Cited: WoS: 142\\
Elmqvist, T., H. Setälä, S.N. Handel, S. van der Ploeg, J. Aronson, J.N. Blignaut, E. Gómez-Baggethun, D.J. Nowak, J. Kronenberg, R. de Groot. 2015. Benefits of restoring ecosystem services in urban areas. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 14: 101–108. Cited: 424 (highly cited paper), GS: 843\\
Tengö, T. Brondizio, E.S. Elmqvist, T. Malmer, P. Spierenburg, M. 2014. Connecting Diverse Knowledge Systems for Enhanced Ecosystem Governance: The Multiple Evidence Base Approach. AMBIO, DOI 10.1007/s13280-014-0501-3. Cited: WoS: 677 (highly cited paper), GS: 1215\\
Ernstson H, S van der Leeuw, CL Redman, DJ Meffert, G Davis, C Alfsen, and T Elmqvist. 2010. Urban Transitions: On Urban Resilience and Human-Dominated Ecosystems. AMBIO Published On-line (DOI: 10.1007/s13280-010-0081-9). Cited: WoS: 324, GS: 799\\
Elmqvist, T, M. Fragkias, J. Goodness, B. Güneralp, P. J. Marcotullio, R. I. McDonald, S. Parnell, M. Schewenius, M. Sendstad, K. C. Seto, C. Wilkinson (Editors). 2013. Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities. A Global Assessment. Springer DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7088-1_1. Cited: 1056, (No. of downloads: 1.89 million, one of the most downloaded open access books published by Springer)\\
Elmqvist T, Folke, C, Nyström M, Peterson, G, Bengtsson, J, Walker, B, and J Norberg. 2003. Response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1(9) 488-494. Cited: WoS: 1648, GS: 2480\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit telmqvist}][{ALLOW upload telmqvist}][{ALLOW comment All}]