!!Erland Erdmann - Biography
Prof. emeritus Dr. med. Erland Erdmann, FESC, FAHA was head of the department of Internal Medicine of the University of Cologne. From 1993 – 2012 he served as director of the clinic for cardiology, angiology, pneumology and intensive care medicine in the heart center of the university. His main scientific interests are pathophysiology and treatment options of heart failure as well as the role of diabetes in cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, he has served in the steering committees of several european and international major drug and device trials directed to improve cardiovascular diseases such as CIBIS I – III, CARE-HF, PROACTIVE, SERVE-HF (all of which have been published in NEJM or Lancet). \\
Prof. Erdmann is editor of the main German textbook  of cardiology (Klinische Kardiologie), now in the 9th edition (which will appear in 2024 together with Prof. Marx) and editor of  several scientific journals, including  Deutsche Medizininische Wochenschrift (German weekly medical journal) and Kompakt Kardiologie. At present Prof. Erdmann  regularly teaches and he is engaged in research on sleep disordered breathing in heart failure.  Furthermore he serves as deputy chairman of the ethics committee of the University of Cologne.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit eerdmann}][{ALLOW upload eerdmann}][{ALLOW comment All}]