!!M.Teresa Espinal - Biography
Maria Teresa Espinal has a Bachelor’s degree in Hispanic Philology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), 1978), a Master of Arts in Linguistics (University College London, 1981), and a Doctorate in Theoretical Linguistics (UAB, 1985). She has taught at the UAB since 1978 (as Full Professor of Linguistics since 1999) and is a member of UAB’s Center for Theoretical Linguistics (CLT). She has carried out postdoctoral research stays at the University of California, Berkeley; Stanford University; Utrecht University; and Université Paris 7-CNRS; and has been invited professor at UNAM (Mexico) and UNICAMP (Brazil). At UAB she has served as Vice Rector for Research (1994-98); as well as Secretary (2006-2007) and Director (2007-2010) of the CLT. . She has published over 100 books and articles and made over 150 presentations at workshops and conferences and has led a nationally-funded Excellence Network on Meaning and Grammar. She has held numerous positions of responsibility in national and international research evaluation panels.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mespinalfarre}][{ALLOW upload mespinalfarre}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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