!Highlights of my work and anecdotes
[{Image src='Ciência da Vida-Video.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Ciência da Vida-Video.png'class='image_left'}]''4.12.2017 Vortrag "Ciência da Vida" auf dem Internationalen Humboldt Kolleg "Estudos Literarios: Aqui, Agora e Amanhã - A Obra de Ottmar Ette" in der Casa de Leitura Dirce Côrtes Riede in Rio de Janeiro. Die Videos des Votrags auf [Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74F6L4JvNbM&list=PLZugpfRLjZ_qb9xNc8ApP35kT2vd-3Sn1]. Weitere Videos von Voträgen der Tagung [hier|https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/romanistik-ette/aktuelles/tagungen-workshops/estudos-literarios-aqui-agora-e-amanha-a-obra-de-ottmar-ette.html#c359049]
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[{Image src='Cuny TV Interview.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Cuny TV Interview.png'class='image_left'}]''17. Juli 2017 Interview  von Carmen Boullosa mit Ottmar Ette und Julio Ortegaüber transatlantische Beziehungen. Interview auf [Der Homepage von CunyTV|https://tv.cuny.edu/show/nuevayork/PR2006386] Hinweis: Interview im Video zwischen 9:35 und 16:25.
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[{Image src='vimeo humboldt interview.png' caption='' width='150' alt='vimeo humboldt interview.png'class='image_left'}]''Juli 2017 Interview mit Ottmar Ette zum Thema „Kosmos Humboldt. Die Vision Alexander von Humboldts“. Interview auf [Vimeo|https://player.vimeo.com/video/207530172]
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[{Image src='Ette Roland Barthes espanol.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Ette Roland Barthes espanol.png'class='image_left'}]''12. März 2017 Vortrag "Roland Barthes y el posestructuralismo" an der Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexiko. Video zum Vortrag auf [Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvRkLA4hS2Q&t=127s]
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[{Image src='Ette-Laudatio-Cardenal.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Ette-Laudatio-Cardenal.png'class='image_left'}]''04.03.2017 Laudatio anlässlich der Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an den Schriftsteller Ernesto Cardenal durch die Fakultät für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal. Video der Verleihung auf [Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SDfFXVvdZQ]
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[{Image src='Humboldt-Chamisso Vortrag Jerusalem.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Humboldt-Chamisso Vortrag Jerusalem.png'class='image_left'}]''22.02.17 Vortrag zum Thema "German Scholars of Humanities on the Move: Alexander von Humboldt and Adelbert von Chamisso" am Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. Vortrag auf [Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8HWMTUWMXY]
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[{Image src='Ette-TransArea-Tanger.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Ette-TransArea-Tanger.png'class='image_left'}]''31.01.2017 Vortrag "TransArea Tanger: The City and the Literatures of the World" an der Universität zu Köln. Vortrag auf [Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l--_ATcoiBU&t=2s]
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[{Image src='Festakt Übergänge.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Festakt Übergänge.png'class='image_left'}]''14.12.2017 Festakt zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Ottmar Ette im Audi Max der Universität Potsdam. Auf [MediaUP|http://mediaup.uni-potsdam.de/Play/7346]
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[{Image src='Interview_UDUALtv.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Interview_UDUALtv.png'class='image_left'}]''18.01.2017 Interview mit UDUAL - Globalizácion acelerada y literatura comparada. Interview auf [Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gKlz55NvIA&feature=youtu.be]
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[{Image src='Casamerica-Interview_01.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Casamerica-Interview_01.png'class='image_left'}]''14.12.2016 Interview mit dem Casamerica. Interview auf [Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-YLTJ1Niiw]
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[{Image src='DW-Interview_Castro.png' caption='' width='150' alt='DW-Interview_Castro.png'class='image_left'}]''26.11.2016 DW-Interviews mit Ottmar Ette zum Abschied von Fidel Castro. DW-Interview mit [Gerhard Elfers|https://www.uni-potsdam.de/fileadmin01/projects/romanistik-ette/docs/Download/DW_News_Deutsch_Interviewer_Gerhard_Elfers.mp4]. DW-Interview mit [Christopher Stringate|https://www.uni-potsdam.de/fileadmin01/projects/romanistik-ette/docs/Download/DW_News_Interviewer_Christopher_Springate.mp4]. DW-Interview mit [Matt Hermann|https://www.uni-potsdam.de/fileadmin01/projects/romanistik-ette/docs/Download/DW_News_Interviewer_Matt_Hermann.mp4].
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[{Image src='Interview_Anton_Wilhelm_Amo.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Interview_Anton_Wilhelm_Amo.png'class='image_left'}]''dctp-Interview: Vernunft aus Afrika. [Zum Interview|https://www.dctp.tv/filme/vernunft-aus-afrika]
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[{Image src='Vortrag_Jauss__el_nazismo_y_la_filología.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Vortrag_Jauss__el_nazismo_y_la_filología.png'class='image_left'}]''30.08.2016 Ottmar Ette: Jauss, el nazismo y la filología. Video vom Vortrag auf [Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4TVGmMFJWs]
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[{Image src='Video_Der_Fall_Jauss.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Video_Der_Fall_Jauss.png.png'class='image_left'}]''„Der Fall Jauss“ - Buchpräsentation mit Filmvorführung und Diskussionsabend am 14.06.2016. Der Auftakt auf [Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtnmWsYu_gE], sowie [Teil 1|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ctk5XfQmyMk] und [Teil 2|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxosLBgKznU]
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[{Image src='Video_Weltbewusstsein_im_Haus_Huth.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Video_Weltbewusstsein_im_Haus_Huth.png'class='image_left'}]''Veranstaltung „Weltbewusstsein im Haus Huth“ von der Daimler und Benz Stiftung am 21.04.2016 im Haus Huth. Das Video zur Veranstaltung auf [Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwEB7ysIe1A]
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[{Image src='DW Interview.jpg' caption='' width='150' alt='DW Interview.jpg'class='image_left'}]''Interview bei Deutsche Welle TV am 24.03.2016 über den Staatsbesuch von US-Präsident Barack Obama in Kuba. Das Interview auf [Englisch|https://www.uni-potsdam.de/fileadmin01/projects/romanistik-ette/images/Ottmar_Ette_Studiotalk_ENG.mp4] und auf [Deutsch|https://www.uni-potsdam.de/fileadmin01/projects/romanistik-ette/images/Ottmar_Ette_Studiotalk_DEU.mp4]
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[{Image src='ette_zwischenweltenschreiben.png' caption='' width='150' alt='ette_zwischenweltenschreiben.png'class='image_left'}]''Vortrag zum Thema "ZwischenWeltenSchreiben" auf der Buchmesse Saarbrücken, 23.09.15. Video zum Vortrag auf [Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDcW_7rJ0qc]
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[{Image src='ette_barthes_musique2015.JPG' caption='' width='150' alt='ette_barthes_musique2015.JPG'class='image_left'}]''Colloque: Barthes et la musique, Fondation Singer-Polignac Paris, 3-5 Juni 2015. "Roland Barthes - musique et vitalité" par Ottmar Ette. Video zum Vortrag bei [VIMEO|https://vimeo.com/130539326]
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[{Image src='ette_seminario_2.png' caption='' width='150' alt='ette_seminario_2.png'class='image_left'}]''Seminario: Saberes desde el movimiento. Literatura de viajes con Ottmar Ette. Der Vortrag auf [livestream.com|https://livestream.com/accounts/1718/oette2015seminario/videos/80154866]
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[{Image src='Ottmar_Ette_Video_1.JPG' caption='' width='150' alt='Ottmar_Ette_Video_1.JPG'class='image_left'}]''Esthétique et épistémologie d'un parcours vital. Les journaux de route d'Alexandre de Humboldt par Ottmar Ette. Der Vortrag auf [Dailymotion|http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1vabus_esthetique-et-epistemologie-d-un-parcours-vital-les-journaux-de-route-d-alexandre-de-humboldt-par-ot_webcam]
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[{Image src='Capture d’écran 2015-02-04 à 13.29.45.png' caption='' width='150' alt='Capture d’écran 2015-02-04 à 13.29.45.png'class='image_left'}]''Die Museumsinsel - Europa und die Welt als Archipel? 
Cécile Wajsbrot im Gespräch mit Ottmar Ette. Das Gespräch auf [Vimeo|http://vimeo.com/96481190]
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[{Image src='Screenshot_Ottmar_Ette_Stilbruch.PNG' caption='' width='150' alt='Screenshot_Ottmar_Ette_Stilbruch.PNG' class='image_left'}]''RBB-Stilbruch: Ottmar Ette über den Ankauf von Humboldts Tagebüchern und das Potsdamer Forschungsprojekt.
Das Interview enstand im Rahmen des RBB-Magazins Stilbruch und wurde am 06.03.2014 im RBB-Fernsehen ausgestrahlt. Ausschnitt des Magazins [HIER|http://www.rbb-online.de/stilbruch/archiv/20140306_2215/humboldt-tagebuecher.html]
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[{Image src='TransArea_en.JPG' caption='' width='150' alt='TransArea_en.JPG' class='image_left'}] Interview with Ottmar Ette about his concept TransArea Studies. [See video here (in german with english subtitles)|http://www.uni-potsdam.de/tapoints/?cat=197]
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[{Image src='TransArea.JPG' caption='' width='150' alt='TransArea.JPG' class='image_left'}] Interview with Ottmar Ette about his concept TransArea Studies. [See video here (only in german)|http://www.uni-potsdam.de/tapoints/?cat=197]
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[{Image src='DW Reisetipps.JPG' caption='' width='150' alt='DW Reisetipps.JPG' class='image_left'}] Ottmar Ette´s favourite places in Berlin. 
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See video in [English|http://www.dw.de/popups/popup_single_mediaplayer/0,,16254757_type_video_struct_7856_contentId_16253662,00.html], [Spanish |http://www.dw.de/popups/popup_single_mediaplayer/0,,16255619_type_video_struct_30332_contentId_16253846,00.html]or [German|http://www.dw.de/popups/popup_single_mediaplayer/0,,16255354_type_video_struct_9815_contentId_16251914,00.html].
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[{Image src='Planet Wissen.JPG' caption='' width='150' alt='Planet Wissen.JPG' class='image_left'}] Invited to "Planet Wissen" scientific television program, Ottmar Ette talks about Alexander von Humboldt as the first Globalization thinker. Humboldt thought knowledge principles should not converge only in Europe but worldwide. 

[See video here - in german.  |http:/www.planet-wissen.de/sendungen/2011/03/videos/02_video_humboldt.jsp]
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__Video Lectures__

[{Image src='Trans Tropics.JPG' caption='' width='150' alt='Trans Tropics.JPG' class='image_left'}] [Topic: ''TransTropics. Alexander von Humboldt and the hemispheric constructions''|http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=7958731054454187411&hl=de#]

Lecture by Ottmar Ette, recorded at the University of Potsdam, Germany on the 15th of January 2009. In his lecture, Ette reflects on Humboldt's American and Russian travels, Science in the Field and TransArea Studies.
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[{Image src='National Philologies.JPG' caption='' width='150' alt='National Philologies.JPG' class='image_left'}] [Topic: ''National Philologies, Globalization and TransArea Studies''|http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=1878066871827238116&hl=de]

This lecture was held by Ottmar Ette at the Institut for Aestetiske Fag at the Aarhus Universitet in Denmark on the 14th of December 2007. In his lecture, Ette discusses new paradigms for understanding philology and literature in the context of different periods of accelerated globalization.

* __Anecdotes / Personal Narrative:__
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[{Image src='our hemisphere fall 07.JPG' caption='' width='150' alt='our hemisphere fall 07.JPG' class='image_left'}]INTERVIEW:[Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries (470 KB, PDF)|http://sitemason.vanderbilt.edu/files/eqvhxS  /our%20hemisphere%20fall07%20final%20version.pdf]
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An Interview with Ottmar Ette By Anja Becker and Robert Kelz (both Vanderbilt University).
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''Robert Kelz: Many view the humanities as being in a time of crisis, in decline. In your talks, in your books, you have indicated that there is an important role that the humanities have to play in contemporary intellectual discourse. This role seems connected to the idea of transdisciplinarity. Could you elaborate on this?
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Ottmar Ette: The humanities should be much more vocal in articulating their importance to our societies, not in an aggressive way, really, but in an optimistic way. The main problems we are facing in the 21st century are problems that deal with cultural dimensions. One of those urgent problems is how to live together in peace and in difference at the same time. We cannot find solutions to this problem in the natural sciences. The humanities today are not always well enough prepared to respond to this need. Sometimes, political crises, such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, prompted the creation of, say, Centers for Latin American Studies on large scale, a sort of response to the Cuban Revolution. Today, in Germany, and in other regions as well, Centers for Arabic studies and Centers for Islamic studies are a similar sort of response to the difficulties we face globally with respect to how people live together, live between different ideologies, between different religions, between different kinds of cultural constructions. It is a good thing to build up interdisciplinary centers for the study of Latin America, the Arab world, and other topics, but we have to re--think how we structure the knowledge that circulates within the humanities in terms of these difficulties, in terms of what I call «Zusammenlebenswissen», the knowledge of how to live together. (...)

[{Image src='Romanistik ist ein Lebensstil.JPG' caption='' width='150' class='image_left' alt='Romanistik ist ein Lebensstil.JPG'}]
INTERVIEW: [Romance studies are a lifestye - An interview with Ottmar Ette, published in ''Potsdamer Neuesten Nachrichten'' (PNN), 09/14/2007.|http://www.uni-potsdam.de/romanistik/ette/ette/var/personal_narrative-07A.html] GERMAN
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(„Romanistik ist ein Lebensstil“. Ein Interview mit Ottmar Ette
erschienen in den ''Potsdamer Neuesten Nachrichten'' (PNN), 14.09.2007.)
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[{Image src='der blaue reiter.JPG' caption='' width='150' class='image_left' alt='der blaue reiter.JPG'}]

INTERVIEW: [Knowledge for survival. An interview with Ottmar Ette. (97 KB, PDF)|http://www.uni-potsdam.de/romanistik/ette/download/blaueReiter-Interview.pdf] GERMAN

Published in ''der blaue Reiter - Journal für Philosophie'', 1/2006.

(Überlebenswissen. Ein Interview mit Ottmar Ette. Erschienen der blaue Reiter - Journal für Philosophie, Ausgabe 1/2006.)
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[{Image src='WiKo Jahrbuch.JPG' caption='' width='150' class='image_left' alt='WiKo Jahrbuch.JPG'}]
ESSAY: [Willkommen im Aufbruch. (100 KB, PDF)|http://www.uni-potsdam.de/romanistik/ette/ette/personal_narrative.html]
      erschienen im Jahrbuch 2004/2005 des Wissenschaftskollegs zu Berlin.