!!Leonardo M. Fabbri - Curriculum Vitae
Leonardo M. Fabbri, Professor of Internal Medicine and of Respiratory Medicine; Director of the Department of Internal Medicine, NOCSAE Hospital, Baggiovara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
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Hirsch Index (December 2016): Scopus 86; Google Scholar : 106
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He received doctorate in Medicine and Surgery, University Padua in 1972 (110/110 summa cum laude)\\
Board in Occupational Medicine, University Padua in 1975 (70/70 summa cum laude)\\
Board of Respiratory Medicine, University Bologna in 1978 (70/70 summa cum laude). \\
Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Respiratory Diseases, Tulane University (1980-1981)\\
Visiting Research Fellow, Cardiovascular Research Institute, University California, San Francisco, USA (1981-1983). \\
Chief Editor of the official Journals of the European Respiratory Society "European Respiratory Review" and of the "European Respiratory Monograph";  presently Associate Editor of the European Respiratory Journal ,  American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. He is also Associate Editor Lancet Respiratory Medicine, European Journal of Clinical Investigation and Respiratory Research.\\
Leonardo Fabbri was a Founding Member of the WHO/NIH Executive Committee of the Global Initiative on Asthma (GINA) (1990–2001); Member of  the Scientific Committee of Global Initiative on Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) (1997-2005, and 2009-present); Chairman of Scientific Committee, GOLD (2001-2004); member of Workshop Panel of GOLD (2001-2005); chairman of Executive Committee GOLD (2004 – 2005), and from 2009 continues as a Member of the GOLD Scientific Committee.\\
He was President of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) 2007-2008.\\
He has published > 350 papers in peer reviewed journal plus many book chapters.

1. Prof. Fabbri is a physician-scientist in the Department of  Medicine of the University of Modena&Reggio Emilia.\\
2. 15 years  as Director of Pulmonary Medicine at the University Hospital Policlinico di Modena.\\
3. In January 2016, he became Director of the Department of Medicine at Nuovo Ospedale Civile Sant’Agostino Estense (NOCSAE) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. \\
4. A  long-standing interest in the investigation of the pathophysiology and management of both asthma and COPD, and more recently of chronic multimorbidity,  including being PI of numerous Research Projects sponsored by the Italian Ministries of University and/or Health and by the Regional Government both on asthma and later on COPD and multimorbidity .\\
5. President of the ERS in 2008 (presidential cycle 2005-2009, President 2007-2008).\\
6. Founding Member and Chairman of the Scientific Committees of the Global Initiative on Asthma ([http://www.ginasthma.org])  and of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease ([http://www.goldcopd.org]).