!!Ambrogio Fasoli - Curriculum Vitae
*Maturità classica, Milan, Italy, 1983\\
*Master in Physics, University of Milan, Italy, 1988\\
*PhD, Physics, EPFL, Switzerland, 1993
*Research Scientist, JET Joint Undertaking, Oxford, UK, 1993 - 1997\\
*Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Physics, MIT, US, 1998 - 2001\\
*Visiting Professor at MIT, 2001 - 2008\\
*Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Physics, EPFL, 2001 - 2005\\
*Associate Professor of Physics, EPFL, 2005 - 2006\\
*Professor of Physics, EPFL, 2007 - present \\
*Executive Director, Center for Research in Plasma Physics, EPFL, 2007 - 2014\\
*Head of Physics Strategic Committee, EPFL, 2010 - 2014\\
*Member of Directorate of Basic Science Faculty, 2010 - 2014\\
*Director, Swiss Plasma Center, EPFL, 2014 - present\\
*Chair of Promotion Committee of Basic Science Faculty, 2017 - 2021\\
*Editor-in-Chief, Nuclear Fusion journal, IAEA, 2014 - 2021\\
*Chair of General Assembly and of Bureau, EUROfusion Consortium, 2019 - 2024\\
*Associate Vice-President for Research of EPFL, 2021 - present\\
*CEO of EUROfusion Consortium, 2024-present
*Freshmen Physics at MIT (1998 - 2001)\\
*Plasma Physics, graduate level at MIT (1998 - 2001)\\
*General Physics II, 2003 - 2019, EPFL\\
*General Physics III, 2020 - present, EPFL\\
*Plasma Physics II, 2001 - 2010, EPFL\\
*Plasma Physics III, 2013 - 2017, EPFL\\
*Global Issues – Energy, 2013 - 2021 \\
*Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics, EPFL-ETHZ Master in NE, 2008 - present\\
*Magnetic Confinement, EPFL Doctoral Program in Physics, 2012 - present\\
*Massive Open Online Courses on Plasma Physics & Applications – EdX (>40’000 students), 2014 - present\\
*Courses on plasma physics and fusion in many other institutions\\
*Supervision of 28 PhD theses at MIT, Princeton University, CERN and EPFL \\
*Participation in many PhD exam committees in many universities in Europe and US
*European DEMO Steering Board\\
*UKAEA Programme Advisory Committee\\
*Fachbeirat for Max Planck Society\\
*Steering Committee of ITER EC Upper Launcher Consortium\\
*International Tokamak Physics Activities Coordinating Committee\\
*Fusion for Energy Governing Board\\
*IEA Fusion Coordinating Committee\\
*Euratom Fusion Program Committee\\
*External Supervisory Committee of IST-Lisbon\\
*Many Search and Selection committees, e.g. in US, France, Italy, Portugal, Finland, Germany\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit afasoli}][{ALLOW upload afasoli}][{ALLOW comment All}]