!!Bart Fauser - Curriculum Vitae

*Science Output (SCOPUS, Jan 2022)\\
*Total number of peer reviewed publications 534, total citations 52.000, Hirsch index 109 \\
*No 5 most cited European researcher in Reproductive Medicine (publication analysis 2007-2013). ([http://www.labtimes.org/labtimes/ranking/2015_04/index.lasso])\\
*No. 10 most cited European researcher in Reproductive Biomedicine, publication analysis 1996-2007 ([http://www.labtimes.org/labtimes/issues/lt2009/lt04/lt_2009_04_34_36.pdf])\\
*Most cited author in clinical reproductive medicine research 2003-2012 (Reference; Aleixandre-Benavent et al., Trends in clinical reproductive medicine research: 10 years of growth. Fertil & Steril. 2015 Jul;104(1):131-7.e5)\\
*Author of most cited publication ever published in the field of clinical reproductive medicine (References; The Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-sponsored PCOS consensus workshop group (Fauser et al.) (2004). Revised 2003 consensus on diagnostic criteria and long-term health risks related to PCOS. Human Reproduction 19; 41-47, and. Fertility & Sterility 81; 19-25. Both papers were published simultaneously and cited ~ 5,000 times each)\\
*Editor in Chief; textbook ‘Molecular Biology in Reproductive Medicine’, Parthenon Publishing, UK, 1999. And textbook ‘Reproductive Medicine; Molecular, genetic and cellular essentials’ (second edition), Parthenon Publishing, UK, 2003. \\
*Editor book Baby-making; what the new reproductive technologies mean for families and society. Oxford University Press, 2011 (ISBN 978-0-19-959731-4)\\
*Editor Handboek Vrouwspecifieke Geneeskunde, Prelum Uitgevers, 2013 (ISBN 978-90-8562-120-1)\\
*Editor Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynecology; A life course approach. Bohn Stafleu van Logum Jan 2019\\
*Section Editor; UpToDate (since the beginning). Section; overview ovulation induction\\
*Member editorial boards: Molecular Human Reproduction (1997-2001), Références en Gynécologie Obstétrique, Managing Editor (1997-2002), Current Drugs (1997-2003), Tijdschrift voor Fertiliteitsonderzoek (1995-2005), Treatments in Endocrinology (1995-2004), Reproductive Sciences (1997-), Fertility & Sterility (2007-2013), Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2008-2013), Journal of Endometriosis (2009-), Journal of Women’s Health (2010-)\\
*Founding member Erasmus Medical Center spin-off company  GenOvum (2009-2013)\\
*Over 200 bookchapters in major international textbooks, including most major textbooks in the field including Yen & Jaffe, Leslie de Groot, and Gardner\\
*Over 450 invited lectures at major international scientific meetings.\\ \\

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