!!!Andrea C. Ferrari
[{Image src='Ferrari_Andrea_small.jpg'  alt='Andrea C. Ferrari' height='220'}]

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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 1 April 2016-present: Science and Technology Officer, EU Graphene Flagship
* 1 April 2016-present: Chair of Management Panel, EU Graphene Flagship
* 22 November 2013-present: Director, EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Graphene Technology, University of Cambridge
* 1 February 2013-present: Director Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge, UK
* 11 October 2013-31 March 2016: Chair of Executive Board, EU Graphene Flagship
* 1 October 2011-present: Professor of Nanotechnology, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, UK
* 1 October 2009-30 September 2011:Reader in Nanotechnology, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, UK
* 1 October 2006-30 September 2009: University Lecturer, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, UK
* 1 October 2002-30 September 2010: Royal Society University Research Fellow, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, UK
* 1 October 2001-30 September 2002: Maudslay Research Fellow, Pembroke College, Cambridge, UK
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 23 July 2018 IMR-Lee Hsun Lecture Award
* 13 September 2017 Nanosmat Award
* 19 June 2017-Knight Officer of the Order of the Star of Italy
* 13 February 2017 Khwarizmi International Award, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology
* 19-October 2016 Fellow of Optical Society (OSA)
* 2014-2015-2016-2017-2018-2019 Highly Cited Researcher
* 30-August 2016 ACS Nano Award Lectureship
* 11-July 2016 Charles E. Pettinos Award, American Carbon Society
* 14-May 2016 Honorary Professorship, Beijing Information Science & Technology University (BISTU)
* 31-March 2016- Fellow, Materials Research Society
* 13 August 2014-Fellow, Institute of Physics
* 1 November 2013, ERC Synergy grant
* 20 July 2013- ScD (Doctor of Science), University of Cambridge (the highest degree awarded by the University for distinguished research in science)
* 14 November 2011-Fellow. American Physical Society
* 20 February 2011 EU-40 Materials Prize, European Materials Research Society
* 27 April 2010 Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award
* 1 October 2008, ERC Starting Grant
* 12 March 2008 EU Marie Curie Excellence Award for carbon nanotechnology
* 28 February 2008 Royal Society Brian Mercer Award for Innovation in Nanotechnology
* 20 October 2005: Philip Leverhulme Prize for research in carbon nanotechnology

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Ferrari_Andrea/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Ferrari_Andrea/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Ferrari_Andrea/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Ferrari_Andrea/OtherInformation]

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