!!Sydney Galès - Publications
[List of publications 1970-2012 (pdf)|gales_sydney-PUBLICAT-1970-2010.pdf]\\
[List of publications 1970-2012 (MSWord)|Gales-PUBLICAT-1970-2010.doc]
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“Inner-hole states in 207Pb via the 208Pb(3He,alpha)207Pb reaction at 70 MeV”\\
S. Galès et al., Phys. Rev. C18 (1978) 2475
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"High-lying proton strengths observed in stripping reactions"\\
S. Galès et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 48 (1982) 1593
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“Exotic nuclear decay of 223Ra by emission of 14C nuclei”\\
S. Galès et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 (1984) 759
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"Proton stripping to outer subshells and damping of single-particle states: 116Sn, 144Sm and 208Pb(alpha,t) reactions at 80 MeV"\\
S. Galès et al., Phys. Rev. C31 (1985) 94
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“Damping of high-lying single-particle modes in heavy nuclei”\\
S. Galès, C. Stoyanov and A.I. Vdovin, Phys. Rep. 166 (1988) 125-193
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"AGOR a superconducting cyclotron for light and heavy ions. Plans for experimental facilities and physics program"\\
S. Galès, Proc.  "First European Biennial Workshop on Nuclear Physics" Megève, France, March 25-29, 1991, eds. D. Guinet and J.R. Pizzi (World Scientific, Singapore, 1991) p. 343
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"EDEN : A neutron time-of-flight multi-detector for decay studies of giant states"\\
D. Beaumel,..., S. Galès,... et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A326 (1993) 517
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"Core excitation in 11Be(g.s.) via the p (11Be,10Be)d reaction"\\
S. Fortier,...,S. Galès,... et al., Phys. Lett. B461 (1999) 22
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“Excitation and decay of the isovector spin giant monopole resonances via the 208Pb(3He,tp) reaction at 410 MeV”\\
R.G.T. Zegers,..., S. Galès,... et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 202501
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“The (t,3He) and (3He,t) reactions as probes of Gamow-Teller strength”\\
R.G.T. Zegers,..., S. Galès,... et al., Phys. Rev. C74 (2006) 024309
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“Extraction of weak transition strengths via the (3He,t) reaction at 420 MeV”\\
R.G.T. Zegers,..., S. Galès,... et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 202501
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"The ALTO facility at lPN Orsay and study of neutron rich nuclei in the vicinity of 78Ni" \\
F. Ibrahim,..., S. Galès,... et al., Nucl. Phys. A787 (2007)110c
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“Gamow-Teller strength for the analog transitions to the first T=1/2, J^pi = 3/2- states in 13C and 13N and the implications for type Ia supernovae"\\
R.G.T. Zegers,..., S. Galès,... et al., Phys. Rev. C77 (2008) 024307
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"SPIRAL2 at GANIL: Next generation of ISOL facility for intense secondary radioactive ion beams"\\
S. Galès, Nucl. Phys. A834 (2010)717c