!!Javier García-Sancho
[GAP|2014_GAP_PNAS.pdf], an aequorin-based fluorescent indicator for imagining Ca%%sup 2+/% in organelles, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 111: 2584-2589
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[{Image src='CaOscilGlia_erGAP.gif' caption='' height='530' alt='CaOscilGlia_erGAP.gif'}]
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[{Image src='CICR_Slices_GAP1.gif' caption='' height='288' alt='CICR Slices GAP1' class='image_left'}] CIRC im CA1 region\\Hyppocampal slice of the erGap1 mice\\IBGM, UVa, Madrid\\__CLICK ON THE BLACK SQUARE!__
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[{Image src='HippoNeuron_erGAP.gif' caption='' height='288' alt='HippoNeuron_erGAP.gif'}]
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[{Mediaplayer src='cGo_LYS_NUC_rend.flv' playertype='swf' anchor='cGo_LYS_NUC_rend.flv' height='240' width='360'}]
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