!!!Helen Giamarellou
[{Image src='Giamarellou_Helen.JPG'  alt='Helen Giamarellou' height='200'}]

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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2010,02 - present Prof.- Head, 6th Dept. of Internal Medicine, Hygeia General Hospital-Athens, Greece (Marousi)
*2003 - 2009 Prof.- Head, 4th Dept. Internal Medicine, ''ΑΤΤΙΚΟΝ'' , General, University Hospital, Athens, Greece
*1997 - 2003 Prof.- Head, 4th Dept. Internal Medicine, ''Sismanoglion'', General Hospital, Athens Univ. Med. School, Greece
*1991 - 1996 Associate Prof. of Internal Medicine, ''LAIKO'', General Hospital, Athens Univ. Med. School, Athens, Greece
*1983 - 1991 Assistant Prof. of Internal Medicine, ''LAIKO'', General Hospital, Athens Univ. Med. School, Athens, Greece
*1982 - 1983 Lecturer in Internal Medicine, 1st Dept. Propedeutic Medicine, ‘LAIKON’ General Hospital, Athens Univ. Med. School
*1975 - 1982 Attending Physician, 1st Dept. Propedeutic Medicine, ‘LAIKON’ General Hospital, Athens Univ. Med. School, Greece
*1973 - 1974 Research Fellow in Infectious Diseases, Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
*1969 - 1973 Chief Resident, 1st Dept. Propedeutic Medicine, ‘LAIKON’ General Hospital, Athens Univ. Med. School, Greece
*1966 - 1969 Residency in Internal Medicine, ‘ALEXANDRA’ University Hospital, Athens, Greece
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2017 ESCMID Fellow (for achieving professional excellence and outstanding service to the profession and the society)
*2017 43nd Annual Hellenic Medical Congress, Prize on' Epidemiology of Carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Greece'
*2014 Hellenic Society of Internal Medicine: 'Hippocrates Prize' offered only in distinguished internists of international reputation
*2011 International Society of Chemotherapy: Honorary membership for 'Outstanding Contribution to Chemotherapy' 
*2011 37th Annual Hellenic Medical Congress, Prize on ' Loading dose of colistin in critically ill patients'
*2008 International Medical Forum, Prize on 'Influence of Carbapenems on E.coli carbapenemase-producing in Rat Model'
*2007 Election by the ECDC as 'Resistance Focal Point' for Greece
*2006 32nd Annual Hellenic Medical Congress, Prize on 'Clarithromycin Influence in the Septic Patient'
*2005 31st Annual Hellenic Medical Congress, Prize on 'Horizontal Transmission of MBL-VIM among various Enterobacteriacae' 
*2004 30th Annual Hellenic Medical Congress, Prize on 'VIM-1 and VIM-2 distribution in General Hospitals of Athens'
*2003 29th Annual Hellenic Medical Congress, Prize on 'Comparative Virulence of Susceptible and MDR P.aeruginosa strains' 
*2002 28th Annual Hellenic Medical Congress, Prize on 'Arachidonic Acid Influence on Antibiotic Activity in Experimental Sepsis'
*2001 5th Hellenic Congress of Infections, Prize on 'The Influence of Corticosteroids with Vancomycin in Experimental Endocarditis'
*1998 14th Annual Hellenic Medical Congress, Prize on 'P.aeruginosa  Endocarditis Therapy with Antibiotic Combinations'
*1997 37th ICAAC, Toronto, Ondario, Canada, Prize on 'Plasma procalcitonin in febrile neutropenia'
*1996 22nd Annual Hellenic Medical Congress, Prize 'Sotiris Papastamatis', for a study on 'lipid acids activity in gram negatives '
*1996 22nd Annual Hellenic Medical Congress, First Prize of the Board on 'Nosocomial Resistance surveillance of gram negatives'
*1996 Greece, Sweden and  Cyprus Orthopedic Congress, Prize on 'Osteomyelitis Therapy with Pefloxacin-Lactic Acid Beads'
*1995 21st Annual Hellenic Medical Congress,Prize on 'Teicoplanin Prophylaxis in Experimental Gram+ve coccal Endocarditis'
*1994 20th Annual Hellenic  Medical Congress, Prize for a study on 'The Slime of CNS as Obstacle to Various Antibiotics'

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Giamarellou_Helen/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Giamarellou_Helen/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Giamarellou_Helen/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Giamarellou_Helen/OtherInformation]

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