!!Nikša Gligo - Selected publications
Vrijeme glazbe [[The Time of Music], Zagreb: Studentski centar, 1977\\
The Position of the "New Art" In the So-Called "Small Cultural Surroundings". An Example: the New Music In Croatia After 1950, in: ÇUBUK, M. (ed.), The Arts Towards the Year of 2000, Istanbul: The State Academy of Fine Arts, 1977, unpaginated\\
Varijacije razvojnog kontinuiteta: Skladatelj Natko Devčić [[The Variations of Developmental Continuity: Composer Natko Devčić], Zagreb: MIC KDZ, 1985\\
Problemi Nove glazbe 20. stoljeća: Teorijske osnove i kriteriji vrednovanja [[The Problems of the 20th Century New Music: Theoretical Basis and the Evaluation Criteria], Zagreb: MIC KDZ, 1987\\
Was für ein Werk stellt "A Collection of Rocks" von John Cage dar? Ein Beitrag zur Werkdetermination in der experimentellen Musik, in: KOLLERITSCH, O. (Ed.), Entgrenzungen der Gattungen (= Studien zur Wertungsforschung, Bd. 18.), Wien - Graz: UE, 1989, p. 83-103\\
Pojmovni vodič kroz glazbu 20. stoljeća s uputama za pravilnu uporabu pojmova [[A Guide to the 20th Century Musical Terms, with Instructions for their Correct Usage], Zagreb: MIC KDZ - MH, 1996\\
Why Do We Like Symphonic Kolo? National Coloring and Its Articulation Through Folklore-based Idioms, The World of Music, 40, 1998, 3, p. 99-111\\
Zvuk - znak - glazba. Rasprave oko glazbene semiografije [[Sound - Sign - Music. Treatise On the Semiography of Music], Zagreb: MIC KDZ, 1999\\
Social and/or Educational Aspects of Pierre Schaeffer's musique concrète. On the Utopian Fate of Music as a Project, European Journal for Semiotic Studies, 14, 2002, 1-2, p. 149-163\\
Pluralism of Styles and Techniques. Croatian Contemporary Music: An Insight, World New Music Magazine, 2005, 15, p. 19-32\\
Skladba kao kritika skladbe: Le marteau sans maître vs. Pierrot lunaire. O nekim specifičnim funkcijama skladateljske teorije u glazbi 20. stoljeća [[Composition as the Critique of Composition: Le marteau sans maître vs. Pierrot lunaire. On Some Specific Functions of Composer's Theories in the 20th Cntury Music, in: GLIGO, N. – DAVIDOVIĆ, D. – BEZIĆ, N. (eds.), Glazba prijelaza. Svečani zbornik za Evu Sedak [[Music of Transition. Essays in Honor of Eva Sedak ], Zagreb: Artresor naklada – HRT – Hrvatski radio, 2009, p. 110-118.\\
Pojmovnik glazbe 20. stoletja, urednik slovenske izdaje: Leon Stefanija [[the translation in Slovenian of the book A Guide to the 20th Century Musical Terms...] Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, 2012.