!!Haskel Greenfield - Selected Publications
1.2024 E Sousa, H Greenfield. On the Chopping Block: Animal Butchery Technologies in Old Kingdom Egypt. Brepols. Submitted Sept. 2021. Accepted Feb. 2023. In press.\\
2.2023 I Shai, H Greenfield, A Maeir, eds. Tell eṣ-Ṣâfi/Gath III: The Early Bronze Age, Part 1. Ägypten und Altes Testament 122. Münster: Zaphon. ca. 280 pp.\\
__Journal articles - Refereed contributions only__\\
1.2023 A House, MK Bamford, H Greenfield, Lv Schalkwyk. Furnaces, hearths, rituals and construction: investigating the utilisation of woody plant species at an Early Iron Age site by means of identifying archaeological charcoal. J Anthropol and Archaeol Sciences 15: 10.1007.\\
2.2023 JL Gaastra, T Greenfield, H Greenfield. 3D GMM for the discrimination of wild, domestic and proto-domestic sheep and goat populations. J Archaeol Science 153: 105768.\\
3.2023 S Albaz, H Greenfield, T Greenfield, A Brown, I Shai, and A Maeir. Daily life and cultural appropriation in Early Bronze Age Canaan: Games and gaming in a domestic neighbourhood at Tell eṣ-Ṣâfi/Gath, Israel. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 155: 1-30.\\
4.2023 H Greenfield, J Beller, J Gaastra, D Vieweger. Filling the gap: A microscopic zooarchaeological approach to changes in butchering technology during the Early and Middle Bronze at Tall Zirā´a, Jordan. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 155: 31-67.\\
5.2023 E Sousa, H Greenfield. Continued use of stone in Egypt and Levant during the Early Bronze Age: a comparative zooarchaeological perspective. J Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 37:153-170.\\
6.2022 K Fowler, J Ross, C Barritt-Cleary, Z Lederman, S Bunimovitz, H Greenfield. Age and sex determination of fingerprints on ceramic objects from the Late Bronze Palace at Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel. Levant 54: 331-346. \\
7.2022 J Beller, H Greenfield, D Vieweger. Diachronic trends in butchering practices during the Early and Middle Bronze Ages: Tall Zirā´a. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina Vereins 138: 178-241. \\
9.2022 H Greenfield, J Ross, T Greenfield, S Albaz, S Richardson, A Maeir. Household rituals and merchant caravanners. Animals 12, 1931. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12151931. Open access. \\
9.2021 H Greenfield, T Jongsma-Greenfield, S Stanković†. Hallstatt occupation at Blagotin, Serbia: stratigraphy, architecture, and fauna. Archaica (Belgrade) 9: 21-57. \\
10.2022 T Okaluk, H Greenfield. Macroscopic chop mark identification on archaeological bone. Quaternary 22: quat501001.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit hgreenfield}][{ALLOW upload hgreenfield}][{ALLOW comment All}]