!!Tilman Grune - Curriculum Vitae
*1981 - 1987, studies Medical Biochemistry, 2nd Moscow Medical Institute, Diploma (1987): „Comparative structural studies of Cytochrome P450 isoforms” \\
*1992 MD/PhD, Charité-University Hospital Berlin, Title: „Nucleotide degradation and oxygen radical action in ischemia/reperfusion of rat small intestine“     \\
*1998 Habilitation, Charité University Hospital Berlin, Title: „The secondary antioxidant defense system: studies of the degradation of the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal and oxidatively modified proteins”\\
*Other:	1993 Medical Specialist for Biochemistry (Berlin Chamber of Physicians), 1999 licence to teach, Biochemistry, Charité-University Hospital Berlin\\
__h-Index (Google Scholar):	__                         97\\
__Sum of Times Cited (Google Scholar):	__45,716\\
__Total Publications (PUBMED; 16.11.2022):	__      451\\
__Lectures/talks:  __                                                    >300\\
[Full CV|http://tilmangrune.com/?lang=en)]\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit tgrune}][{ALLOW upload tgrune}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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