!!Balázs Győrffy - Curriculum Vitae

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__No. of publications:__ 410\\
__Total citation:__ 25,800\\
__H-index:__ 68
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*Head of Department, Semmelweis University Dept. of Bioinformatics, since 2020
*Momentum Group Leader, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, since 2014\\
*PhD degree: Semmelweis University, School of Clinical Ph.D. Studies, Budapest, 2005.-\\
*MD degree: Semmelweis University Budapest (with two semesters at the Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg, Germany), 2000.-\\
*MSc degree: Master of Health Management, Semmelweis University, Faculty of Health and Public Services, 2011.
*Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Laboratory of Functional Genomics, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany, 2010 – 2012\\
*HAESF Senior Leaders Fellowship, Children’s Hospital Informatics Program, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2008\\
*Marie-Curie fellow: Institut für Pathologie, Charité Berlin, Germany, 2002 – 2004\\
*Officers Cross of the Order of Merit, President of Hungary, 2017\\
*Doctor of the Academy of Sciences (DSc), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2015\\
*Pro Optimo Merito in Pancreatico-Oncologia award, Simor Pal Cancer Research Foundation, 2013\\
*Nancy Brinker Award, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, 2012\\
*Junior biostatistician of the year, Society for Clinical Biostatistics, 2011\\
__SELECTED MEMBERSHIPS:__ Elixir Hungary (head of node), since 2017\\
*Lecturer of: bioinformatics, clinical genetics, pathology, tumor progression-\\
*PhD theses submitted under his supervision: n=7-\\
*MSc theses submitted under his supervision: n=29\\ \\