!!Elina Haavio-Mannila - Curriculum vitae
Born August 3, 1933 in Helsinki
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__Education and Academic Positions__
*Doctor of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki 1958
*Researcher and teacher at the College of Nursing, Helsinki 1956-1961
*Researcher at the Social Science Research Council, Finland, 1961-1970
*Associate professor of sociology, University of Helsinki, 1971-1991
*Professor of sociology, University of Helsinki, 1992-1998
*Head of the Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki, 1994-1998
Board member and chairperson of several sociological associations or theirsubcommittees (Finnish, Scandinavian, European, and international). Continues to work as a member of expert bodies evaluating sociology andsociologists in the Nordic countries. Has been visiting scholar at the universities of Stockholm, Uppsala, Aarhus,Minnesota, Michigan, and Cornell University.
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Elina Haavio-Mannila has written 265 books or articles in professional journalson village fights, medical sociology, history of sociology, immigration, andespecially gender system and sexuality. Books in English include Women in Nordicpolitics 1985 (with Drude Dahlerup and others), Work, family and well-being infive North- and East-European capitals (1992, also published in Japanese), Sexual pleasures (with Osmo Kontula) 1995, Sexual lifestyles in the 20th century (with Osmo Kontula and Anna Rotkirch) 2002, and Sexual trends in the Baltic Sea area (with Osmo Kontula) 2003.
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