!!Jozsef Haller - Curriculum Vitae
__Current position__
*Professor. Chair of Criminal Psychology department, University of Public Service
__Important earlier appointments__
*Head of the Behavioral Neurobiology Department, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest, Hungary (1999-2020)\\
*Senior researcher, Leiden University, The Netherlands (1996-1999)
__Areas of expertise__
*Behavioral neuroscience \\
*Neurobiology of aggression\\
*Neurobiology and anxiety\\
*Behavioral neurobiology of cannabinoids\\
*Stress physiology
__Major interest__
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Studying the etiology, mechanisms and manifestations of psychopathologically relevant abnormal behavior \\
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__Books:__                                                                                10\\
as author:                                                                      4\\
as editor:                                                                       6\\
__Articles:__                                                                           172\\
peer-reviewed international journals:          166\\
peer-reviewed Hungarian journals:                   6\\
__Patents __  4\\
__Science metrics (source: Google Scholar)__
*Independent citations: 10,793\\
*Hirsch-index:    58
__Scientific support__
*Total grants: 24 (18 as PI)\\
* EU and US grants 7 (5 as PI), including an ERC Advanced Research Grant\\ \\