!!Paul Hart - Major Publications
Bergman, E. Norrgård, JR. Piccolo, JJ. Gustafsson, P,.Nilsson, F.  &\\
Hart, PJB. (2014) Atlantic Salmon and Brown Trout in Lake Vänern: A proposal for a co-management system. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 17, 365-373\\
Hart, PJB, Bergman, E, Calles, O, Eriksson, S, Gustafsson, S, Lans, L, Norrgård, JR, Piccolo, JJ, Rees, N, Watz, J, Österling, M and Greenberg LA. (2014) Familiarity with a partner facilitates the movement of drift foraging juvenile grayling (Thymallus thymallus) into a new habitat area. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97, Special Issue, 515-522\\
Ward, A. J. W., Sumpter, D. J. T., Couzin, I. D., Hart P. J. B. and Krause J. (2008) Quorum decision-making facilitates information transfer in fish shoals Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (19) 6948-6953.\\
Purnell, M. A., Baines, D. C., Bell, M. A., Hart P. J. B and Travis M. P. (2007) Correlated evolution and dietary change in fossil stickleback. Science, 317, 1887.\\
Ward, A.J.W., Thomas, P, Hart, P.J.B. & Krause, J. (2004) Correlates of boldness in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 55, 561-568.\\
Ward, AJ. and Hart PJB. (2003) Effects of kin and familiarity on interactions between fish. Fish and Fisheries, 4, 348-358\\
Hart, PJB & Reynolds, J D(eds) (2002) Handbook of fish biology and fisheries  Volume I. Fish biology, Volume II. Fisheries.  Blackwell Publishers\\
Utne Palm, ACW and Hart, PJB. (2000). The effects of familiarity on competitive interactions between threespined sticklebacks. Oikos 91(2), 225-232\\
Hart PJB (1998) Enlarging the shadow of the future: avoiding conflict and conserving fish off south Devon, UK. In: Pitcher, TJ, Hart, PJB and Pauly, D (eds). Reinventing Fisheries Management. Kluwer\\
Pitcher, TJ. and Hart, PJB. (1982). Fisheries Ecology.  London, Croom Helm. 414pp.\\
h factor 26 (ISI Web of Science); 37 (Google Scholar see [https://scholar.google.se/citations?user=3ljmsYMAAAAJ&hl=en])\\
Average citation per paper 22.86 (ISI)\\
Average citations per year 59.43 (ISI)\\
ResearchGate score 35.64 (Higher than 92.5% of RG members)