!!Penelope Harvey - Selected Publications
2020 Contingent statecraft: infrastructures, political creativity and experimentation in A. Dundon and R. Vokes (eds) \\
Shifting States: New Perspectives on Security, Infrastructure and Political Affect’, Berghahn.\\
2019 'Anthropos and the Material: Anthropological Reflections on Emerging Political Formations.' Edited with C. Krohn-Hansen and K. Nustad. Durham: Duke University Press. \\
2018  Infrastructures in and out of time: the promise of roads in contemporary Peru. In N. Anand, H. Appel, and A. Gupta (eds) ‘The Promise of Infrastructure’, Duke University Press. pp. 80-101.\\
2016  'Infrastructure and Social Complexity: A Routledge Companion '(co-edited with C. Bruun Jensen and A. Morita). London: Routledge.\\
2015 'Roads. An Anthropology of Infrastructure and Expertise'. Co-authored with Hannah Knox. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.\\
2014 'Roads and Anthropology.' co-edited with D. Dalakoglou. London: Routledge.\\
2013  The Material Politics of Solid Waste: Decentralization and Integrated Systems in P. Harvey et. al. (eds) ‘Objects and Materials: A Routledge Companion’, London: Routledge, pp. 61-71\\
2012   ‘The topological quality of infrastructural relations. An ethnographic approach’ in Theory, Culture and Society, vol 29:4/5, pp. 76-92.\\
__Special Editions of Academic Journals__\\
2018   'Dislocating Labour: Anthropological Reconfigurations'. Co-edited with C. Krohn Hansen. (Winner of JRAI 2018 special issue competition).\\
1997 Technology as Skilled Practice: approaches from anthropology, psychology and history, special edition of Social Analysis 41(1).  [[Mentioned because of its pioneering status.]