!!Demis Hassabis - Curriculum Vitae

*2010 - present Co-Founder & CEO, Google DeepMind\\Co-Founder and CEO of DeepMind, one of the world’s leading artificial intelligence (AI) research groups that aims to advance science and benefit humanity. Assembled and led a world-class interdisciplinary research team, and rapidly made a series of groundbreaking breakthroughs ranging from AlphaGo to AlphaFold

*2009 - 2010 Gatsby Unit, UCL; McGovern Institute, MIT; Dept of Psychology, Harvard\\

*Awarded prestigious Sir Henry Wellcome Fellowship as a postdoc jointly at UCL, MIT and Harvard\\

*2005 - 2009 PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology, University College London (UCL)\\

*Awarded a Brain Trust studentship to undertake a PhD with Prof Eleanor Maguire FMedSci FRS focused on the neural mechanisms underpinning imagination and memory\\

*1998 - 2005 Founder & CEO, Elixir Studios, London\\Founded and ran Elixir Studios, which went on to become one of the UK’s highest profile independent games developers, producing games for major publishers including Eidos, Microsoft and Vivendi Universal \\

*1993 - 1998 Lead AI Programmer, Lead Designer, Bullfrog Productions; Lionhead Studios, Guildford\\

*Co-created ‘Theme Park’ aged 17, a multi-million selling AI simulation game allowing players to design and run their own amusement parks, for Bullfrog Productions (now part of Electronic Arts) then one of the leading games developers in Europe\\

*Became a founding member of Lionhead Studios (now part of Microsoft). Worked as the Lead AI Programmer on the revolutionary game ‘Black & White’\\

*2005 - 2009 PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology, University College London (UCL)\\

*1994 - 1997 BA (Hons) in Computer Science (Double 1st Class), Queens’ College, University of Cambridge\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit dhassabis}][{ALLOW upload dhassabis}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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