!!Edith Heard - Selected Publications
1. Nora E.P., Lajoie B., Schulz E.G., Giorgetti L., Okamoto I., Servant N. Piolot T., van Berkum N.L., Meisig J., Sedat J., Barillot E., Blüthgen N., Dekker J.* and Heard E*. (2012) Spatial partitioning of the regulatory landscape of the X-inactivation center. Nature 485:381-5.\\
 *co-corresponding authors\\ 
2. Masui O., Bonnet I., Le Baccon P., Brito I., Pollex T., Murphy N., Hupé P., Barillot E., Belmont A. and Heard E. (2011) Live cell chromosome dynamics and outcome of X-chromosome pairing events during ES cell differentiation. Cell 145: 447-458.\\
3. Okamoto I., Patrat C., Thepot D., Peynot,N., Diabangouya, P., Fauque P., Daniel N., Wolf JP., Renard JP., Duranthon V*. and Heard E*. (2011) Evolutionary Diversity of X-chromosome Inactivation in Mammals. Nature 472 : 370-374.\\
 *co-corresponding authors\\
4. Augui, S., Nora, E. and Heard, E. (2011) Regulation of X-chromosome inactivation by the X-inactivation centre. Nature Reviews Genet. 12 : 429-442.\\
5. Chow, J., Ciaudo, C., Fazzari, M., Mise, N., Servant, N., Glass, J.L., Attreed, M., Avner, P., Wutz, A., Barillot, E., Greally, J.M., Voinnet, O., Heard, E. (2010) LINE1 activity in facultative heterochromatin formation during X-chromosome inactivation. Cell 141: 956–969.\\
6. Heard E, Tishkoff S, Todd JA, Vidal M, Wagner GP, Wang J, Weigel D, Young R. (2010) Ten years of genetics and genomics: what have we achieved and where are we heading Nat Rev Genet. 11: 723-733.\\
7. Augui, S., Filion, G., Huart, S., Guggiari, M., Maresca, M., Stewart, F. and Heard, E. (2007) Sensing X-chromosome pairs prior to X inactivation via a novel X-pairing region of the Xic . Science 318, 1632-1636. (Faculty of 1000 : 6.4 Must Read)\\
8. Chaumeil, J., Le Baccon, P., Wutz, A. and Heard E. (2006)  A novel role for Xist RNA in the formation of a repressive nuclear compartment into which genes are recruited when silenced. Genes and Development 20: 2223-2237. (Faculty of 1000 : 4.8  Must Read)\\
9. Okamoto, I.,  Arnaud, D., Otte, AP, Disteche, C., Avner, P. and Heard E. (2005) Evidence for de novo imprinted X-chromosome inactivation independent of meiotic inactivation in mice.  Nature 438: 369-373. (Faculty of 1000 : 6.0 Must Read)\\
10. Okamoto, I., Otte, A., Allis, C. D., Reinberg, D. and Heard, E. (2004) Epigenetic dynamics of imprinted X inactivation during early mouse development. Science 303: 644-649. (Faculty of 1000 : 6.0 Must Read)