!!Tuomas Heikkilä - Curriculum Vitae
Professor in Church History / Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki\\
__Education and degrees awarded __
*Titles of docent: Finnish history (Turku) 2013, Church history (Helsinki) 2006, General history (Helsinki) 2003\\
*Doctor of Philosophy: University of Helsinki 2002 (laudatur, doctor primus)\\
*Licentiate of Philosophy: University of Helsinki 1997 (laudatur)\\
*European Diploma in Medieval Studies: Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Études Mediévales, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana 1997\\
*Master of Arts: University of Helsinki 1996 (laudatur)
__Major previous professional appointments__
*Professor, Director: Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Rome, Italy (2013 - 2017)\\
*Director: Villa Lante Humanities courses: Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Rome (part-time, 2006)\\
*Visiting Research Fellow: Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala (2010)\\
*Professor in General history: University of Helsinki, Department of History (total 2,5 years, 2004, 2008 - 2009)
__Leadership in research work__
*Director: Nordic Medieval Book History in the European Context (2018)\\
*Editor-in-Chief: Diplomatarium Fennicum, the National Archives of Finland (2018 - 2020)\\
*Director: Using incunabula: spectrophotometry in tracing patterns of use (2018)\\
*Director: The Finnish Scholarly Institute in Rome (2013 - 2017)\\
*Director: Quantitative methods for the analysis of medieval calendars (2013 - 2018)\\
*Director: Towards more reliable manuscript dating: combining the humanities and the natural sciences, 2013\\
*Director: Time in the Eternal City project (2013 - 2020) \\
*Director: Studia Stemmatologica project, (2008 - 2012)\\
*Director: The Written Culture of Medieval Finland research project, (2006 - 2012)\\
*Director: The Incunabula Project of the National Library, (2013 - 2014)\\
*Editor-in-Chief: The History of Europe book series (WSOY and Bonnier publishing houses, the series included works of some 30 authors, 2008 - 2012)\\ \\