!!Yrjö Helariutta - Selected Publications
Su C, Kokosza A,  Xie X, Pěnčík A, Zhang Y, Raumonen P, Shi X, Muranen S, Kucukoglu Topcu M, Immanen J, Hagqvist R, Safronov O, Juan Alonso-Serra J, Eswaran G, Pavicic Venegas M, Ljung K, Ward S, Mähönen AP, Himanen K, Salojärvi  J, Fernie  AR, Novák O, Leyser O, Pałubicki W, Helariutta Y, Nieminen K. (2023). Tree architecture: A strigolactone-deficient mutant reveals a connection between branching order and auxin gradient along the tree stem. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 120(48):e2308587120\\
Bourdon M, Lyczakowski JJ, Cresswell R, Amsbury S, Vilaplana F, Le Guen M-J, Follain N, Wightman R, Su C, Alatorre-Cobos F, Ritter M, Liszka A, Terrett OM, Yadav SR, Vatén A, Nieminen K, Eswaran G, Alonso-Serra J, Müller KH, Iuga D, Miskolczi PC, Kalmbach L, Otero S, Mähönen AP, Bhalerao R, Bulone V, Mansfield SD, Hill S, Burgert I, Beaugrand J, Benitez-Alfonso Y, Dupree R, Dupree P, Helariutta Y. (2023) Ectopic callose deposition into woody biomass modulates the nano-architecture of macrofibrils. Nat Plants 9, 1530–1546\\
Roszak P, Heo JO, Blob B, Toyokura K, Sugiyama Y, de Luis Balaguer MA, Lau WWY, Hamey F, Cirrone J, Madej E, Bouatta AM, Wang X, Guichard M, Ursache R, Tavares H, Verstaen K, Wendrich J, Melnyk CW, Oda Y, Shasha D, Ahnert SE, Saeys Y, De Rybel B, Heidstra R, Scheres B, Grossmann G, Mähönen AP, Denninger P, Göttgens B, Sozzani R, Birnbaum KD, Helariutta Y. (2021) Cell-by-cell dissection of phloem development links a maturation gradient to cell specialization. Science 374, eaba5531\\
Alonso-Serra J, Shi X, Peaucelle A, Rastas P, Bourdon M, Immanen J, Takahashi J, Koivula H, Eswaran G, Muranen S, Help H, Smolander OP, Su C, Safronov O, Gerber L, Salojärvi J, Hagqvist R, Mähönen AP, Helariutta Y, Nieminen K. ELIMÄKI Locus Is Required for Vertical Proprioceptive Response in Birch Trees. (2020) Curr Biol. 30, 589-599.e5\\
Miyashima S, Roszak P, Sevilem I, Toyokura K, Blob B, Heo JO, Mellor N, Help-Rinta-Rahko H, Otero S, Smet W, Boekschoten M, Hooiveld G, Hashimoto K, Smetana O, Siligato R, Wallner ES, Mähönen AP, Kondo Y, Melnyk CW, Greb T, Nakajima K, Sozzani R, Bishopp A, De Rybel B, Helariutta Y. (2019) Mobile PEAR transcription factors integrate positional cues to prime cambial growth. Nature 565, 490-494 \\
Salojärvi J, Smolander OP, Nieminen K, Rajaraman S, Safronov O, [[…]], Albert VA*, Auvinen P*, Helariutta Y*, Kangasjärvi J*. (2017). Genome sequencing and population genomic analyses provide insights into the adaptive landscape of silver birch. Nat Genet. 49, 904-912. Erratum in: Nat Genet. 2019 Jul; 51,1187-1189 \\
Furuta KM, Yadav SR, Lehesranta S, Belevich I, Miyashima S, Heo JO, Vatén A, Lindgren O, De Rybel B, Van Isterdael G, Somervuo P, Lichtenberger R, Rocha R, Thitamadee S, Tähtiharju S, Auvinen P, Beeckman T, Jokitalo E, Helariutta Y (2014) Plant development. Arabidopsis NAC45/86 direct sieve element morphogenesis culminating in enucleation. Science 345, 933-7.\\
Carlsbecker A,  Lee J-Y, Roberts C, Dettmer J, Lehesranta S, Zhou J, Lindgren O, Moreno M, Vatén A, Thitamadee S, Campilho A, Sebastian J, Bowman JL, Helariutta Y, Benfey PN. (2010) Cell signaling by microRNA165/6 mediates gene dosage dependent root cell fate. Nature 465:316-21.\\
Mähönen AP, Bishopp A, Higuchi M, Nieminen KM, Kinoshita K, Törmäkangas K, Ikeda Y, Oka A, Kakimoto T, Helariutta Y. (2006) Cytokinin signaling and its inhibitor AHP6 regulate cell fate during vascular development. Science 311:94-98.\\
Bonke M, Thitamadee S, Mähönen AP, Hauser MT, Helariutta Y. (2003) APL regulates vascular identity in Arabidopsis. Nature 426: 181-186.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit yhelariutta}][{ALLOW upload yhelariutta}][{ALLOW comment All}]