!!Arlene Holmes Henderson - Biography
Arlene Holmes-Henderson is Professor of Classics Education and Public Policy at Durham University where she holds a British Academy Innovation Fellowship. After studying Classics at Oxford, Harvard and Cambridge, Arlene qualified as a schoolteacher and taught in high schools for more than a decade before returning to academia. Arlene has conducted international comparative research in the USA as a Fulbright Scholar, in Australia as a Churchill Fellow and in New Zealand as an Erskine Fellow. She is Vice-Chair of the Universities Policy Engagement Network with national responsibility for Arts and Humanities and is an expert advisor to international governments, parliaments and assessment agencies. Her current project investigates the relationship between oracy, rhetoric and critical skills.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit aholmeshenderson}][{ALLOW upload aholmeshenderson}][{ALLOW comment All}]